March 10, 2025

Zoe’s Scribbles: Room Service

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Zoe’s Scribbles: Room Service

It’s a beautiful day and the sun is shining brightly with that fresh smell of water stained earth and dripping leaves as it rained the night before. I finish my daily workout and even make breakfast in record time, which is a rarity. I catch myself humming and singing along to Jason Mraz’ Everything Is Sound as I drive to work and I chuckle.

Surely today will be a good day for me.

I get to the office, arrange my boss’ schedule and report on his desk before he comes and I go back to my office to prepare the incoming appointments. If I’m lucky, I won’t have so much to do today. My boss comes in, whistling a tune. Uh lala, someone’s in a good mood too.

‘Zoe, the Annual World Oil and Gas Conference for this year will be holding in two weeks. I missed last year’s meeting and I don’t want to miss this year’s. Can you please get me the minutes and reports for last year so I can go through them and find out what this year’s about. I need the report on my desk before the close of work’. He said

Oh great! Just when I was looking forward to chilling today. I better get to work if I want to finish this on time.

A little after lunch time, I go into the boss’ office with the report he asked for.

“Sir this is the report for last year and the itinerary for this year. This year’s meeting will be holding at the Westin Astir Palace Resort Athens, in Greece and it’s a 2 day conference. I’ve already contacted the embassy, as well as the travel agency for the company and you will be picked at the Athinai International Airport.I’ll make reservations at the resort unless you want somewhere else when I get a feedback from them tomorrow or next. So, ready when you are” I iterated .

My boss goes through the papers on his desk and by the look on his face, I know I had done a pretty damn good job.

‘You know Zoe, I’m glad I followed my instincts and hired you. For all your madness, you know your job and you do it well and some more. You’ve been working a lot these past months and you need a break. You’re going with me to Athens. I’ll definitely need someone to process all the talk that will go down there and you’re the man for the job’. He proclaimed
Athens! No, wait, Athens in Greece?

It took me a full ten minutes to process what I had just heard. I tried so hard to contain my excitement.

‘Thaa.. Thaa.. Thank you so much sir. You’re the best’. Ok, that sounded a bit  wrong but I’m too excited. Greece has always been a dream holiday location for me. I know this isn’t a holiday but still, it’s Greece. I’m going to make sure I enjoy myself before I get back. I go back to my desk, call the embassy and the travel agency and inform them that it’s no longer one but two people travelling.

Someone from the Greek embassy comes to the office to get our passports which luckily, I’ve got mine with me.

Two weeks later we’re on our way to Greece. We arrive at the International Airport where is a chauffeur is already waiting to take us to Vouliagmeni, where the hotel is located.

That the suites are luxurious is an understatement. Mine is exotic themed with a view of the Saronic Gulf. It’s evident that I’m gonna enjoy this place; I just wish I could stay longer.
The first day of the conference has us (them, that is. I’m just an Observer™) discussing the current outlook of the Oil & Gas Industry in Africa and Eastern Europe, as well as opportunities and challenges for the global Oil & Gas Industry and on the second day, we discuss the prospects for upstream development in newly discovered oil producing countries and downstream investments in the Oil & Gas Sector of those countries.

The conference is indeed an eye opener and a huge success. Good thing, I am able to talk my boss into mingling with other stakeholders in the conference. As his Personal Assistant, this is part of my job, and I’m able to get investors for our company and my own personal contacts *winks*

‘Zoe, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I want to go back to Nigeria just yet. I’ve already sent for my wife and she’ll be here this evening. I’m extending our stay to three weeks. You could use the holiday to relax. You’ve earned it’.

My boss says after we’re done with the conference. I’m in total shock. I mumble my thanks and rush to my room. Thank goodness I had my brazilian done a week ago and came with my beach wear. I change into my bikini and walk down to the beach.

Just as I’m enjoying the Greek summer weather, this Aphrodite, Eros, Pothos, Peitho and all the other Greek gods of sex and desire all rolled into one comes out of the water. Dude is such a sight to behold that my ovaries start to scream in worship. I look him straight in the eye as he comes close and as he smiles, my heart melts. Aphrodite walks up to where I lie and says,

‘Hi, mind if I join you?’

Like I’m stupid enough to say no.

‘Sure you can’ I replied.

Aphrodite lies on the mat beside me, looking very much like the sex god he is with the ripped body, well toned arms, beautiful face with blue eyes and blond hair. I’m shamelessly ogling like I can’t help myself. I’m thinking of the things I can do to his body, running my hands through his chest and hair, him lifting me with his strong arms, oh dear, I think I’m wet already.

‘My name is Alannis’, my sex god interrupts my thoughts.

“Urm… Oh, my name’s Zoe”, I stutter.

‘Hmmm… Nice. So what are you in Greece for?’ I can easily lie and say I am here on a vacation, but what’s the use? He’s not a Naija boy that I want to form for.

“I’m here for the Oil and Gas Conference”, I say.

“Oh really? That’s hot. So errr… I have to get back to work. Why don’t we do dinner together? I could take you to this really hot local restaurant so I can treat you to some Greek delicacies”

I could hardly believe my ears. Well, I had been thinking of what to do with myself for three weeks. I could use Alannis as my tour guide and probably my fling.

“Sure. Why don’t you meet me at the lobby of the Westin Hotel by 7pm”, I reply.

“Don’t be a minute late, sugar” and he gives me a light kiss on my lips which leaves me yearning for more.

By 6pm, I’m so famished that I doubt I can wait till dinner. But knowing my appetite, if I eat know, I won’t be able to eat with Alannis. I order some fruits from the hotel. At least, that should take me till dinner, besides, it’s healthy.

5 minutes later, there’s a knock on my door and guess who walks in with my fruity half-dinner. Yep! You guessed right. Alannis.

“Hey Alannis. What are you doing here? It’s not yet time”. I ask, visibly surprised.

“You aren’t supposed to eat unless it’s with me”, my Aphrodite replies.

“Well, I’m quite hungry. That’s why I ordered fruits so I’ll still have space for the food”. I say.

What manner of temptation is this? Then, again, for the fates to throw us together in one day, the universe has to be telling me something and damn me if I dare disobey.

“Anyways, I work here part time. It will soon be 7. Why don’t you hurry this up and meet me downstairs? I’m through for today and I’ll be waiting for you”.

No way will I let this man outta my sight. “Err… Allanis, since you’re done for today, why don’t you join me. You could help me pick my dress too”.

He agrees and we eat together. I go into the shower and pray in my heart that he joins me there. Won’t be bad to have a test run. As water runs through my body, I hear the bathroom door open and close.

Alannis picks the soap & begins to wash my back with it. He plants little kisses at the back of my neck and nibbles my ears. He tongue fucks my ears for a while as his hands travel to my now hard nipples.

He pinches and plays with them while his other hand soaps the rest of my body. He turns me around, picks the sponge and bathes me like his lover. Not to be outdone, I take the sponge from him when he’s done and start to lather his body.

By this time, his fingers are doing all the right things in my pussy that is now swollen and begging to be spanked. In answer to its plea, Aphrodite turns my back to him, spreads my legs apart and slowly makes his way into it. Oh. My. Fucking. Days!

His member is the biggest I’ve ever seen and felt. Surely that can’t be me moaning like a girl possessed. Alannis is perfect! Fucking perfect.

OMG! I think I’m gonna cum soon.

His dick is sending waves of pleasure through me. Nothing like I’ve ever felt before. Oh my! I’m cumming. I shudder as my vagina juice runs down his  dick. Alannis pulls out of me as he cums and that act alone gets me all wet again. With the way I feel, I know we’re definitely not done tonight.
Alannis rinses both our bodies, towel dries me and carries me out of the shower,carrying me like a child with my legs twisted behind him. Slowly, he guides my pussy to his dick as he walks into the suite. He slowly fucks me as he walks and I’m hanging on for dear life. Right now, I’m in cloud nine and it will take a lot to get me back to earth.

Slowly he lowers me to the bed while he’s still inside me and starts to fuck me hard. When it looks like I’m at my peak, he alternates his tempo. Dayum! Dude’s good. He continues that way till we both get to the peak and crash. I’m purring and smiling like a cat as he caresses my boobs.

“I love your eyes, Zoe. You’ve got such beautiful feline eyes. I could get lost in them but first, I have to feed”.

I had totally forgotten about food and my tummy growls as if to remind me. Alannis helps me pick an emerald green dress shirt with brown flat sandals and together, we leave the hotel.
Alannis drives us to the Gouves area of Greece and stops at the Spyros Tarvena, situated in a Cretan village which according to him, has got an excellent Greek cuisine.

Well, I’m about to try that for myself. The ambience has such a home feel and a local band plays a series of Greek songs in a corner. I’m loving here already and it’s obvious Aphrodite has got great taste. I also come armed with Flagyl, just in case my tummy acts up. An ever smiling beautiful waitress guides us to a table with complimentary olives and sweet bread apparently as an appetiser.

Since I’m new in town, Alannis takes the liberty to order a native dish called Broad Bean puree, which tastes so delicious. The bean puree is followed by the Chicken Souvlaki and excellent local wine. I’m so full that it’s a wonder I’m able to get up from my seat when we’re done. Alannis takes me back to hotel and promises to see me again the next day.
For the next weeks that follow, Aphrodite is my tour guide. When he doesn’t have lectures at the University of Greece where he’s getting his Masters’ degree, studying or working at the Westin Astir, he shows me around. He tells me everything about the history of Greece and from the way he speaks, it’s obvious he’s a man proud of his heritage.

In between our tours, we have quickies. At the museum, he takes me to a corner in between two statutes of the gods of Olympus, raises my skirt and fucks me.  The thrill of knowing we could get caught and trying not to draw attention to us by not screaming makes the experience exciting. Sometimes, we head over to the beach and have great sex close to the sea. Whenever we head out to eat, instead of playing footsie like normal couples do, Aphrodite finger fucks me and of course, he always happens to be my room service.

Need I say what always goes on while he’s still in my room?

Soon, it’s time to leave and I know that I’ll miss him. Apart from the sex, we have actually gotten quite close with the kind of talks we have about our plans for our individual lives.

The night before, he had promised to be there at the airport and I know he keeps his promises. I get to the airport with my boss and his wife and there he is, waiting for me. I rush into his open arms and plant a deep kiss on his lips.

‘You came as you promised’. I say.

“Ofcourse beautiful feline eyes. I always keep my promises babe. So this is goodbye huh?

I’ll miss you. These were the best 3 weeks of my life”.He replies.

“Here are my email and phone numbers. Keep in touch Alannis. Maybe some day, you could come to Nigeria”.

I say as I give him my complimentary card. It’s boarding time and I give him one last hug and kiss and leave for my plane. I join my boss and his wife who watched the whole thing but the look on my face tells them I’m not ready to answer questions from either of them.

“Zoe, looks like you had the most fun among us”. I laugh out loud. The boss could be a prick sometimes. “Well, I did have some fun alright”, I reply.

This turned out to be a most memorable holiday with an amazing overseas fling, Alannis, my Aphrodite.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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