March 10, 2025

#WorstSexExperience: It was my one chance with the sexiest girl in class but whiskey dick showed up

#WorstSexExperience: It was my one chance with the sexiest girl in class but whiskey dick showed up
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#WorstSexExperience: It was my one chance with the sexiest girl in class but whiskey dick showed up

I found out about Whiskey Dick the hard way.

What do you do when you get the chance you've waited four years to get and you cannot do a thing?

Back when I was in school, there was this really hot girl that almost everyone wanted to either date, fuck or marry. Like that silly game people play with three names asking them which one they would like to marry, fuck or kill but mine was slightly different.

Back to my story, so this chic I had been after ever since our 100 level, she would talk to me sometimes and other times, she wouldn’t which was cool. I really didn’t let her see me crushing on her like a bitch so no matter how hurt I am, I will just play it cool like nothing happened.

All through our time in school, we never had a moment, I would get carried away then she would catch me looking at her ass. I kept my ear to the ground, know who she is dating and all that, it also didn’t help that I wasn’t one of the coolest boys in the class. Just the average guy, no car, regular outfit and stuff but it all changed when I worked with my uncle who got back from the U.S.


It was final year that I became more popular because of my uncle who I moved in with, and left the school hostel. My uncle encouraged me to use any of his cars, they were really exotic. So, the unnoticed boy in class then became the one of the most popular.

So many girls will come up and ask to chill in my car that the ‘class was too hot’, they wanted us to go for lunch, to the movies, and clubbing, and we all know how those things ended, I got more pussies in 3 months than all my life within the period my uncle came unto the scene.

I was getting so much pussy that I forgot about my crush, I would see her, greet her with the eyes and move on with who ever was on the roster for the week. I guess she was interested as well but as a personal principle, I don’t go for ladies that don’t like me.

I have always used that principle when I was broke, and now that it seems like I’m not doing badly, I didn’t see a need to change so I maintained the same idea.

As I was getting into Unilag gate, I saw her walking, so I slowed the car down, then picked her up. That was the second time we would have personal conversation despite being course mate for about four years. She is incredibly hot, I knew about her ass but the boobs weren’t child’s play either, they would probably be C or D cup.

She seemed very chatty, never finishing a sentence before starting another one, she was moving from topic to topic, almost not letting me finish my own sentences. I was seeing her from the point of view that I had never seen her before. While talking over herself she still looked beautiful.

So, I interrupted her to ask her if she wants to go out tonight. It’s Friday night, why not come party with me and my guys. She said yes, I was excited but seriously insecure, she was so hot. My uncle and his friends were going out, I hitchhiked with them.

Later that night, I went to her hostel to pick her up, and when she came out, my heart beat faster, my erection grew. She stepped in, still excited, she reached over and perked me on the cheeks then her sweet scent filled my nose.

Jesus! She smelled so good

She wore a plunging neck top with a letter leggings, the bulbs of her boobs clear in the V-neck top and the leather pant making sure the big ass was seen.

ALSO READ: I cannot believe that my dad cockblocked me!

When we got to Quilox, we went upstairs to meet my uncle and his friends, and their eyes started popping. She agreed to dance with them all, while they both asked me what the deal was with the chic. They offered me other chics for them to take her home, some even offered me money as well.

On a normal day, I would have done the introductions but not today, Satan. I have been waiting for this chic all my years in the university, we would dance a bit and then she would grind against me like crazy, I was already getting excited, and my uncle and his friends troubling me about taking my girl home got me really upset and nervous so I began to drink much more than I should.

She was having a ball, smoking Shisha, recording snaps, having drinks and just enjoying the evening. I saw how they were grinding on her then I got angry, I went over to take over dancing with her. I kissed her while we danced and she kissed me back, so that reduced my anger, that sort of assured me that she is still mine.

When it was about 4.30AM, I decided to call it a night, and leave the wolf in sheep clothings. She came with me, while in the car, we made out before setting out back home. I wanted to continue but she said we should get home first. In my head, I had done all the calculations, the snake in the monkey shadow style, how long I would go down on her before we would have the sex, I have been waiting all my adult life to have.

It was getting closer and closer, we got home, and it started beautifully, we made out, I took off all her clothes, she looked even more beautiful naked, while I was still clothed, while all of this was happening, I wasn’t particularly hard but I figured, the erection will come when things become more intense. I went down on her like a pro, she was screaming in no time, then she returned the favor and my dick was flat, no erection. It was just there.

She didn’t seem alarmed, she just continued sucking but nothing came up. I was ashamed, I wanted to just vanish, the lady I have always wanted was with me naked, and I couldn’t just get it up. We cuddled to sleep, and when she slept, I got up and googled it, that’s when I found out what a whiskey dick is.

ALSO READ: She was the perfect girl until the smell from down there hit me like uppercut

I couldn’t get it up, but I cuddled her so much that she loved my cuddles, the next morning my erection woke me up.

Story by Anonymous

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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