It's time for you to leave family, and friends behind. Hold your boo and head out of town for vacation.
Is your sex life and relationship boring, do you want to spice things up? Does he or she no longer make your organs tingle? It might be time for you and your partner to pack your bags and head out of town for a bit.
Remember how when you were tired, and told your friends about it, and they advised that you go on a vacation. Seeing a new place, helps the brain relax and can make life feel better. If you combine the excitement of new scenery with having some ‘away’ sex with your partner, you might be onto something fantastic.
Routine can be an inspiration killer, doing the same thing over and over again isn’t good at all especially when it comes to sex. It cannot always be missionary style on Friday nights.
As an improviser, you may have tried to switch things up as much as possible but sometimes when all fails, you may need to think about vacation for you and your partner, reports Zeynep Yenisey, Maxim.
It holds a lot of benefit for your relationship, according to a big study conducted by Expedia, they discovered that travelling makes people more confident, have sex more, possibly lose weight, and also feel younger. Certainly sounds like a really good idea to consider.
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To be certain of this, the study covered over 31 million participants, that travelled during the course of a year, they had an overwhelming majority of 81 percent that said they feel better after going for a vacation. That many people cannot be wrong. Among this size, they also found out that, 42 per cent of them became happier, while another 35 percent said their stress level reduced drastically.
And for the curious sex people, 6 per cent of the respondents said they noticed a spike in their sex drive. Vacation certainly does about good for your stress hormone, cortisol that drops, which in turn allows you to be more interested in sex, your libido will be grateful for this.
“You’re free to do as much or as little as you like, which in turn makes you feel more relaxed. This can help reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
“As stress and anxiety decreases, mood increases—bringing many, often unexpected, positive benefits in how we perceive ourselves, motivation and productivity, and our general outlook on life.”
That’s what the author of the study, Dr. Linda Papadopoulos had to say. It’s also worthy to note that the vacation doesn’t have to be very expensive, just somewhere affordable for you and your spouse.
While you’re also on vacation, try some role playing. Set up dates at locations other than your hotel room. Appear at the dates as your partner’s love interest, and have conversations like you’ve both never met before.
Take your sex game to a whole new level.
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