March 9, 2025

Top 5 tv shows for 2011 – @OdEEra

Home » Top 5 tv shows for 2011 – @OdEEra

Top 5 tv shows for 2011 – @OdEEra

*Talking behind a bullet-proof glass partition, adjusting my tie. Looking for ways to calm THE ADJACENT fans down….*

Morning, am sorry to disappoint you that THE ADJACENT Episode 5 won’t come up today due to fatigue in the imagination section of my brain. However, we will talk about TV shows.

@Odeera tells us about some of the series she enjoyed last year,feel free to send me your own post if your list is way different from hers…



Where do I begin with this? This is a show about not just any dysfunctional family but probably the most dysfunctional family ever! Honestly I think the writers of this show are brilliant. To get most of the jokes you have to understand how illegal some of the things they get into are. And of course how absolutely awesome the things they get away with are! William H. Macy plays a drunk father who cons his way into another mans house while his children actually HUSTLE to make ends meet. I think why I enjoy it is coz I honestly envy the amount of independence and freedom they have. If you do get the humor in this show I can promise u’ll laugh your pants off. Did I mention it’s meant to be a drama?

LEGEN-wait for it-DARY. It’s legendary. If you loved FRIENDS you should definitely appreciate this. Especially Barney Stinson who is an above average womanizer. What keeps me in awe about this character is the fact that in real life he’s actually gay, talk about convincing acting right there! Basically Ted is narrating a VERY long story about how he met his children’s mother. And its so realistic coz u know how u start a story and other stories come out of it? Well I think that’s why they’re in season 7. The comedy altogether is refreshing with Marshall and Lily playing a young married couple (the guy from Muppets and the girl from American pie). There’s Robin as well but personally she’s not nearly as interesting as the rest of them. And to top it of its in the most beautiful city in the world NEW YORK!

If you hate suspense stay clear away from this. I’m in perpetual angst just waiting every week for the next episode coz its just in season 1. I love stories that you can really learn from and honestly after just 12 episodes I’m gonna be more careful about how I treat people. When Amanda Clarke was 8 a rich family had her father framed and put in jail where he died for a crime he didn’t commit. Basically she comes back to the town with a shit load of money and starts dealing with anyone that had a hand in making her life miserable. Who writes these things?? Such creativity! The twists and turns they come up with whilst she’s executing her plans really draws you in.

So after watching 5 seasons straight I started goggling how I could sign up to work in the FBI. My favorite character has to be Dr. Spencer Reed, who originally isn’t actually, and agent but just a consultant. He has a eidetic memory which makes him a genius and definitely awkward in normal situations. Then there’s the hottie sigh Shemar Moore, walking sex! If you like crime and investigation and def lots of mystery u’d enjoy this. What scares me is the details with which dey describe serial killers minds and all which is what the Behavioral Analysis Unit does.

I think what I love most about this comedy is that there’s no audience laughter so its not like they’re laughing at their own jokes so it just makes it more funny. For anyone that’s ever wondered how gay married people deal with their famiy members here it is. The cherry on top is definitely Sofia Vergara’s razzness and accent!

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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