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This Should Be Interesting: Porn stars reveal best position for orgasms


They've had loads of sex on screen and off screen. This puts them in pole position to prescribe the best sex position for orgasm.

They’re porn stars, they’ve had more sex than regular folks like us, but then again some regular folks have had as much sex as porn stars but that for another article. When they’ve had that much amount of sex, they should be able to give insights into how best to optimize sex.

Porn producer Wood Rocket interviewed porn stars about what sex positions that gives them orgasm the most, he did this as part of a series called “Ask A Pornstar

With enough sex practice, everyone has their “go-to” position in bed, this position is how best they know of how to achieve orgasm mostly for guys. As much as we know this, as a guy, have you bothered to ask the lady how they like to get off?

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When the porn stars were asked, the fan favorite was the classic missionary style which can be strange because you would expect porn stars to be more adventurous. Missionary style is probably how Cain and Abel were conceived. Almost everyone agreed on missionary style asides from Rain DeGrey.

The reason for this might not be strange, a woman’s ability to orgasm from sex relies upon closeness between her clitoris and her vagina opening, due to this missionary position can capitalize on this.

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Watch the video below for their responses.

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