This lady narrates what it feels like to be with a full blown male sex doll, she said the experience is a good one. Good time for guys to start sulking!
It’s now realer than we thought, we knew this day will come, when male sex dolls will emerge and the rest of men will become less popular for ladies who have decided they have no need for us.
They can ride the doll but I don’t know about how responsive the male doll can be. At least, for now he cannot fondle them.
Now for the more troubling news, one lady has said how it feels to be with an erotic lifelike machine, I will call it machine, so it can throw off some ladies already, is it working? No? Dammit!
Joshua Nevett of Daily Star reports that a lady Karley Sciortino had the pleasure of using the male sex dolls as part of a documentary on the global phenomenon of real life sex dolls.
Karly, the 31 year old spent 20 minutes with £5,000 5 foot-9 inches doll named Gabriel, lets hope it isn’t named after the angel Gabriel.
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Here is the account she gave of the experience.
“We always assume men are more likely to enjoy sleeping with an object and that women need some sort of emotional connection to enjoy themselves, but that isn’t always the case.
“These dolls are 100% silicone, which makes the penis feel incredibly lifelike. At times it was indistinguishable from a real one.”
Describing the penis, which has flaccid and erect settings, she said the member was so realistic “it’s almost creepy”. She added: “It’s made to be hard on the inside with a soft layer over it. There’s even real pubic hair.”
When she was asked to rate the experience, she called it “a good one”. Now, it’s officially okay to panic, with more of these bad boys thrown in, there might be trouble for us. She added: “It’s definitely not the same as having sex with a person, but in terms of a new sexual experience, it’s worth it.
“With a doll you can learn how to make sex work for you – trying out speeds and angles. It might help you understand your body and that’s an empowering thing for a woman.”
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Gabriel was officially released by Sinthetics, a US manufacturing company in 2015, sales have been looking up since then. The bad news for men is that robot lovers could be better in bed than humans, because they can learn what their partners want, and give that to them, Professor Snell, Kirkwood College said.
Other serious positive for these robot lovers is that they can be tireless, he added in “The impacts of robotics sex”. It’s all getting crazier that movie theatres can bring in sex robots, and cinemas that will be called ROMOT, where audiences have the chance to have a collective and realistic sex experience.
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