March 9, 2025

Home » The Recruit

The Recruit



Here is the recruit story i told you about last week, written by @the__mykali

Please enjoy and find an audio reading by @evajohnson_011


I got employed into this office about 3 weeks ago in an investment firm which I applied and waited a very long while before I was called for the interview. I even had to wait longer before I was sent a text telling me to report for duty. I had wallowed in absolute poverty to the point that drinking garri with or without sugar was now a luxurious delicacy to me. I was so grateful to God who had finally answered my prayers and landed me this job.

I resumed the job on the destined day as early as possible, not wanting to fall short of expectations as a new employee. I started work smoothly, although I was coached in some difficult areas and I made friends, with the girls, then the guys, then the women…and finally the men.


The first week was okay, I really didn’t have trouble adapting and everybody treated me good as the new girl in the office. Then the 2nd week came and the girls wanted to get friendlier, the guys wanted to get closer and the men wanted to get…more intimate than normal.

It was in the second week that I knew Kevin. He was older than me, but how much i couldn’t tell. He was one of the handsome guys at the office, always had a smile on his face. He always told jokes and people laughed at it. Some of the girls gossiped about him a little and it was from them that I learned he was not married, and they always wondered why such a handsome and wealthy guy was still single. I didn’t bother myself with answering that question, my intention was to focus on my job, but then it became a little bit difficult when Kevin became interested in me. He was always stopping at my table whenever he walked past.

Sometimes he just smiled and said hi, but there were times when he would drag a seat and sat next to me and we would talk for long periods.

He made me laugh, and I enjoyed his company a lot. On the last day of my third week, he asked me to lunch. I politely refused, I liked him a little but I just wasn’t comfortable dating any guy from the office yet. He wasn’t the first to ask either,but he kept asking, called me all the time, asked me for my pin, told him I wasn’t on blackberry, he offered to get me a blackberry, I refused.

Just didn’t want to have anything to do with him because I felt I was still on probation at the office.

It was the fourth day of the fourth week; a Thursday…

I was directed by the manager that I was going to be working in Kevin’s office as his assistant for Thursday and Friday. I accepted, without any suspicions. I just thought it was an office directive, not knowing Kevin had a hand in it. I’m not really pissed about it.

On the other hand…I’m glad he did it, because I enjoyed those two days that I worked in Kevin’s office…because we did things…crazy…kinky things….


On my first day of duty in Kevin’s office, it felt a bit awkward at first. My duty had been to correlate a few accounts, just crosscheck the stuff he did to see if he had made any mistakes. It wasn’t a difficult job to do, kinda like a secretary working with her boss. But Kevin didn’t treat me like a subordinate; he treated me like a colleague.

We talked while we worked; we discussed a lot of things. Stuff that was on the news, sports, fashion, hobbies, marriage, and he somehow directed our gist to intimate matters. He told me about his past relationships…asked me about mine. I told him a few things, but not everything. I couldn’t tell him everything. I didn’t tell him how my boyfriend who I thought was going to be my fiancé had dumped me and left me all heartbroken and alone.

How I had suffered in loneliness and agony. How sometimes, I had relieved those pains by touching myself, using my fingers to drive myself to orgasm, and feeling very silly after. I didn’t tell him all that. I just told him I was fine and not really seeking to be in a new relationship.
His eyes were piercing into mine, like he was looking straight into me and trying to read my mind. We didn’t say anything for some seconds…then I asked him what the matter was and why he was staring at me.


He told me then, that he wanted to be closer to me, and that was why he had brought me here. He wanted to get to know me better, and to understand me. As he said this…he came closer to where I sat.

He bent just before me and took my hand, and continued to say those things. Gosh, he was looking so handsome, the look on his face as he talked, his lips, and his eyes…the romantic look that was in them and the soft spot I had for him in my heart was totally open right now as his words filled my ears and my heart beat faster than usual… the emotions that raged through me right then couldn’t be held back. I didn’t know what came over me, but I held Kevin’s face in my hands and then I kissed him.


At first it felt awkward when my lips touched his…and then, the passion that had built up within us came gushing out like water from a ruptured tank. I kissed him with so much hunger, my body just surrendered to his touches. He responded, almost in the same manner that I did. I sat there on the chair with my body leaned into his. He held me in a very tight embrace as our lips crashed against each other, our tongues doing battle between our mouths. I felt his hands begin to caress my body. I didn’t have on a jacket, so I could actually feel the pleasure of his caress, and then suddenly, I pushed him back, while I tried to regain my breath. He had a puzzled look on his face, like someone who was about to apologize for doing something bad, not sure of what it is he did that was wrong.


He asked if I was ok, I told him that I was sorry…I didn’t know what I was doing rushing at him like that. He brought his face closer to mine, and told me that he could feel my heartbeat when he embraced me and knew that my words betrayed the feeling in my heart. He looked straight into my eyes with those piercing eyes of his as he said this, melting me, and making me throw what little caution I had left to the wind… I ‘attacked’ him …my hands all over him, pushing him to the soft carpet which covered the floor of the office.

What he had said was true, the feelings I had for him had overpowered me. There was no going back on this one… I wanted him so badly that i didn’t think I would remain sane if I’d left that office without achieving that objective. We had totally forgotten what it was we had come here to do, the life of the office buzzed around us, while we rolled on the floor exchanging kisses and moans like two love-struck teenagers. I began to undo his buttons, making sure not to tear them off because part of my desire engulfed mind still remembered that we were still within working hours and rendering him shirtless for the rest of the day would not be a nice idea. I took off his shirt, and his singlet, his body was well toned and muscular, the sight of it made me love him more. Although I knew it was the sex-starved part of me thinking this.


I brought my lips to his chest and kissed him there, using my tongue to lick his body. he hissed, feeling the pleasure that I gave to him, his hands grabbing my ass tighter. He dragged my skirt up so he could caress the full load of it, even as I lay on top of him…his fingers finding its way to my crotch. He fondled me expertly, with his fingers going inside of me and sending sweet sensations all through my body. My hips moving like I was being fucked by a very small cock, then suddenly, Kevin got up and made me lie on my back, he brought his face to mine, and looked at me for a few seconds, no words exchanged between us. There was an understanding in our eyes, he knew I wanted him, and I knew he wanted me too, so we didn’t need to speak those words. The crazed part of me was even yelling at him in my head, telling him to get on with it…but he couldn’t hear. Then as I lay there, he proceeded to do something to me which I’d wanted to be done in a very long while…and i smiled.

Kevin was sucking so hard on my coochie right now, using his lips and tongue so well. The feeling was beyond heavenly. I slept there on the rug, with one foot on his back and the other on the floor as he ravaged me. I was in such an ecstatic mood, I thought i was flying. The pleasure was intense…one I hadn’t felt since I broke up with my ex. even he wasn’t this good. My whole body was on fire, I was not even bothered by the thought that I was in my work clothes, in someone’s office, my legs open wide and a man’s head in-between them. I didn’t care at all if the door was locked.

What if someone had barged in on us right now to find a senior staff and his subordinate having sex? What if there was a hidden camera somewhere recording this whole office debauchery and the perverts looking at us were wanking to it? All that didn’t bother me right then as Kevin used his tongue to caress my coochie lips and my clit. I was going insane with pleasure, laughing and crying at the same time. My hips began to gyrate uncontrollably as I came. My heart was beating so fast…I moaned deeply, careful not to bring the attention of anyone to his office. My whole body shivered…while Kevin kept doing what it is that he had been doing.

Just then, we heard a knock on the door…

We both stopped suddenly; looking into each other’s eyes…wondering who it was that could be knocking. Kevin didn’t answer, but maybe he should have. The knock came again.

“One moment please” he answered this time.

We disengaged from each other and straightened up our clothes so fast. I returned to my spot just beside his table, pretending to be going through papers, while my whole body still shivered and a cold chill ran down my spine as I remembered what had just went down between us.

Kevin had gone to the door to find out who it was. i didn’t see the person as the door blocked my view of him or her.

They spoke in hushed tones, so i was guessing it was a man. If he saw me…I didn’t know. I just focused on the documents I held in my hand like they were the most important thing in the world to me. Kevin finished with him, closed the door and went and sat down on his office chair behind his table.

All this while my eyes were still fixated on the papers, i was staring at it…but i wasn’t really seeing it. My mind wasn’t in the mood to crosscheck these figures right now.

It was very far from it.

Kevin had sat down and was looking at me. I could feel his eyes on me even without seeing him, he didn’t touch anything. He just sat there looking. It was a very awkward moment, the silence was too creepy. One of us had to say something, now that our senses had returned to us and explain what just happened between me and him on his office floor.

I braved myself up and dared a look at his face. Those eyes…he was staring at me, a half smile on his face. I could see humour in those eyes of his. Like he was amused at me.

Maybe because he thought I was scared and afraid.

We exchanged the stare for a few seconds before I asked him who it was that had been knocking. His smile widened and he said it was one of the security guards. The guard had come to inform him that one of his car tyres appeared to be lessened and if he would like to get it fixed.

“That was all?” I asked him.

He replied in the affirmative, my sigh of relief was a very long one, and then he giggled…and even let out a small laugh. I wanted to be angry at him for laughing at me, but I found myself laughing too.

We became relaxed, but made sure not to get carried away and return to the ‘illegal’ activities which we would have almost been caught doing during office hours.

But that was just my first day in Kevin’s office…the second day happened to be the crazier day…

Listen to the audio version here….

I know its not the best, but we’re gonna improve as we do more, thanks for the support.

Download the audio, the_recruit-complete.mp3

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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