So,if you've had this fetish, it might be coming to pass but you're not allowed to make sexual advances at her.
Cleaning the house nude is a fantasy thing and also a porn category, a thriving one at that as well. By the reason why guys love this line of “cleaning” is so it can lead to sex, which is definitely a honeymoon sort of thing. She is there sorting laundry naked and then from the back, you know where that ends.
So, it’s now happening for real, a cleaning lady will come to clean your house naked for £45 an hour, but however there is a catch to this.
This cleaning lady, Emily Nikols, 25 is from Liverpool, wears just rubber gloves as she goes around your house cleaning, dusting shelves, moping the floor, or scrubbing the bathroom floor. Remember earlier when I said there was a catch, call it catches because there is more than one, as reported by Kerry McDermott, Mail Online.
She does her cleaning for the naturist clients, naturists are people who practice, advocate and defend nudity. Now, you understand why she has select clients.
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I think of myself as a nudist… in private, so this qualifies me to seek her services. The other catch is that her clients are not allowed to hit on her, you’ve got to be a complete gentleman or lady. She has also said her clients never make her feel like a sex object despite having a full view of her while working.
‘To me cleaning naked is really not a big deal – it is completely normal,’ said Emily, who is a mother of a nine month old daughter, she got the job through a specialist cleaning firm to make extra money while still on maternity leave.
‘I’m just a really confident person and am really comfortably with nudity so being naked doesn’t faze me at all.
‘While cleaning naked was something I had never done before, it just felt really natural to do.
‘This fits in really well round my daughter, and it is a really well-paid job – the money is good for what you have to do.
It looks like Emily was born to do this, she found this interesting new career after a friend informed her about women who are paid to film themselves cleaning their own homes naked. She found the Naturist Cleaners Company on Google, this company employs almost 80 male and female staff across the UK and she has been doing this for five weeks so far.
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The company is transparent, charging the client £65 for the first hour of work, then £55 for the second hour while paying the cleaners £45. They have a strict standard that doesn’t allow client make any sexual advances to the cleaners.
The cleaners however cannot do any heavy duty cleaning or use strong chemicals because the only accessories they use are rubber gloves and slippers.
Emily added: ‘Before my first job I was a little bit nervous but it was completely ok.
‘The clients are naturists so for them it is completely normal to be naked, and that makes you feel normal and comfortable.
‘So far it has been a really positive experience. There hasn’t been anything which has made me think twice.
‘The clients are really respectful and chivalrous. They carry the hoover up the stairs for me and offer glasses of water.’
‘The most common question people ask is ‘is it warm enough?’ but after a few minutes carrying a hoover around you definitely are.
‘My friends and sisters know and are really supportive. My husband was initially a little concerned for my safety but he trusts me – I am an adult.
‘I had a baby nine months ago and I’m sure there are people who would think ‘oh my god’ at my body.
‘But I’m not there to be a sex object – so it doesn’t matter if I have a few stretch marks on my hips or a baby belly.
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‘Everyone has a naked body under their clothes, I’m not sure why we’re all so uptight about it.’
‘They don’t care if you are young and gorgeous or 65 and wrinkly, it’s about being comfortable nude.
‘There is only stigma attached because someone attaches a stigma. If the client is happy and confident you feel like it is a normal thing and there is nothing to be concerned or nervous about.
‘I arrive clothed because as much as the client and I don’t have a problem with it, that’s not to say the neighbours don’t mind, and get undressed indoors.
‘Then we have a bit of chit chat, I do my jobs and then go. I have never felt uncomfortable but if I ever felt there was anything untoward I would be able to leave.’
The cleaning firm’s company director Laura Smith said it offers services to both male and female clients and employs both male and female cleaners.
‘The majority of clients are male practising naturists from the nudist community. They pay for this service so they can get someone who has the same views and the same beliefs. A lot of naturists keep this part of themselves from their families and friends, so it is nice to find someone who understands.
‘Our cleaners are from all walks of life and we are completely open in terms of age and body type, although we don’t like to take on people who are very young.
‘Our cleaners must never be open to offers or advances. Our terms which the clients must agree to state clearly that we do not offer anything else, and never to ask this of our cleaners.
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‘Especially these days, when there is a full market of naughty adult services out there, we want to send out the right message. We want people to understand this is not sexual – we do not do anything else than just professional cleaning. There has to be mutual respect.’
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