Ok! I have been getting this Lieber award thing for a while and I haven’t had time to do respond to any of them. By do anyone, I mean fulfill the requirement for the award not sleep with anyone, get your mind out of the gutters.
Hopefully, I will be able to do it this time around because I cant say how long more I have to ignore it, I have gotten them for like the 5th time or so.
So, here goes nothing, just like Wana, amma just copy the whole Lieber award definition from Wana like he copied it from Kemmiiii 😀
“A Liebster is an award given to up and coming bloggers with under 200 WordPress followers, The Liebster Award originated in Germany and Liebster means dearest or beloved, and Liebe is love.”
The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. List 11 random facts about yourself
3. Answer the questions they have asked you
4. Nominate 11 other people
5. Ask the nominees 11 questions
6. Last and definitely least, let them know you have nominated them.
Those are the rules so, lets get started….
I wanna thank everyone who nominated me, I know I cant remember everyone right now, am not sure if it has anything to do with A.D.H.D, Attention Hyperactive Deficit Disorder or maybe its because of been stoned. Wana nominated me for this one, I think Kemi also did, now I have to go through posts to find out who the other people are but I don’t want to. Forgive me for that.
Lemme summarize it like we do here in Nigeria, whenever we don’t wanna acknowledge more people we just say at the beginning of the speech, All protocols duly observed! We good? No?
11 Random facts about myself will be shooting myself in the foot and revealing more than I should especially with this my secret identity something, anything lets get this started.
Fact 1 – I actually have a really busy life outside blogging, sometimes I wonder how I am able to still blog considering my heavy workload and strings of PP.
Fact 2 – I know thetoolsman, sirkastiq, ms_dania, ciKK0, theBoombox, ViXenPixie, Olori Supergal, Ifreke, otegragra, and a couple of other bloggers in person but they don’t know me. 🙂 How cool is that? Now that am thinking about it, maybe I should let them know if it’ll help my blogging career. lol
Fact 3 – I’m a boob guy, *singing the famous breast song, I love breast…..I love breast….everyday of my life….I love breast*
Fact 4 – Big M.I fan and Omawunmi, won some many arguments for her, sadly she doesn’t know 🙁
Fact 5 – Some of the adult stories on my blog written as fiction are actually real, especially DS Series and Average Joe, they’re true stories. Yep! True story
Fact 6 – I almost quit blogging 3 weeks into it.
Fact 7 – Big Buble fan!
Fact 8 – I agree with Timaya that he is the King of Commercial, the guy knows how to get people dancing, was in a club and the DJ played Timaya’s tracks back to back and it dint feel boring.
Fact 9 – It’s a painful part, I cant dance but am joining dance class soon 🙁
Fact 10 – I have a bad mouth, not like smelly mouth or anything jo, just that I am very good with insults. I am the male version of Max from 2 broke girls, true story but I just don’t add that on twitter or my blog. Its part of trying to hide my secret identity. Batman does it too with his voice inside the mask.
Fact 11 – I am a world-class ‘duller’, go figure!
This is going better than I imagined and now for the questions from Wana, lets see how this goes.
What’s the most illegal thing you can do for money?
Hmmm, I haven’t really thought about this but the most illegal thing will be to prostitute myself to an 80 year old woman with no teeth and a bad body odour
Can you be a housewife/husband?
Nah! Cant be house husband, I like activity, I like working, going out in the morning, coming back in the evening, winking at people in meetings, making other people uncomfortable in the elevator is my thing. So, no way I wanna be a stay-home husband.
Anal sex? (I’m such a pervert)
Nope! Not a chance
Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel?
Vin Diesel is my guy but I’ll pick Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel’s sexual orientation has in questions a few times.
How happy are you with the state of your life at the moment?
Honestly, I’m happy with my life right now, Just more money then am fine… Everything seems perfect except the car I dreamt I’ld be driving isn’t what am driving nor the dream apartment isn’t where I am, plus my standard of living isn’t that low apart from all that, am fine! Anyway, this is a bathroom moment question, wh
Music or Movies?
Most expensive place you’ve ever eaten?
It has to be between white house or Ghana High, cant pick!
What’s your favorite quote?
You cant give what you don’t have, I want more than 1 favourite quote jo, Am a fan of Katt Williams and one of my favourite quote is “Jesus was perfect, he only had 12 friends, one of them was a hater, sat here at the table with him. So, who are you not to be hated?” Katt Williams
How satisfied are you with your body?
My Abs aint complete but I love me body, first step to self fulfillment is self adoration 😀
What sound do you love the most? (This is not sexual)
Wana, this has to be sexual, it has to be sound of my FWB, she can moan for Nigeria at the Olympics and be a gold medallist. Okay, back to the non sexual one, the sound has to be the ATM counting money to gimme 😀
If you chose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
Hmmm, At the age of 36, I think that age has charm, moving towards 40 yet, still cool into the 30s. Definitely, 36.
Now for my 11 questions to ask all of you, well, here goes nothing.
- How old were you when your cherry got popped?
- Skydiving or Bungee jumping
- Jollof Rice or Fried Rice
- Your highest point in life till date
- Linda Ikeji or Toolz
- Feyikogbon or Gboromiro?
- Your most expensive possession
- The sexiest asset on your body
- BBM or Whatsapp
10. Get even or forgiveness
11. Nkem Owoh or Mr. Ibu
Those are my questions, quite easy uhn?
Here are the blogs am nominating for the award, Isydrain, Nuelnonny, Osisiye, VixenPixie, Sirkastiq, Yemi Johnson, ManicKaL, Aunty Hotstuff, Ayob_, Obafuntay
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