March 9, 2025

The Erotic Scent: This type of food will make you smell sexy to ladies

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The Erotic Scent: This type of food will make you smell sexy to ladies

Being attracted to the opposite sex more can be achieved by following this type of diet.

Smell is important, to increase how sexy you're to your partner, eat this type of food more often.

Quite sure you know what role smell plays. If you’ve got a friend or someone you know who has mouth odour or body odour, the stench that reeks from them can make hanging out with them almost impossible. It is also very possible to be sexually attracted to someone by how they smell, and this goes for both male and female.

If as guys, there is one thing we want, it will be to sexually attracted to a lady without trying, that should be graded as a superpower. To the alpha male or be liked without even uttering any word at all.

This is much more popular in the animal kingdom, sex pheromones are used to attract opposite sex for reasons such as mating, or other things that surrounds dating. This food can be the thing that can make a man scent more appealing to ladies.

According to Thomas Freeman, Maxim, eating vegetables can help you become sexier, by altering some of your  chemistry of your body. In a study carried out recently, it was discovered that men who eat fruits and vegetable filled meals can smell very attractive to the opposite sex.

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Guys, it’s time to begin to change your diet, vegetables have always been good. While eating vegetables can be super sexy for your partner. The hideous odors can come from eating a lot of carbohydrate meals like pasta and white bread. In a statement from the lead researcher on this at the University of Australia, Ian Stephen, he said to NPR about attractiveness,

“We’ve known for a while that odor is an important component of attractiveness, especially for women,” He continued,

“From an evolutionary perspective, scientists say our sweat can help signal our health status and could possibly play a role in helping to attract a mate,”.

The researchers got to this conclusion by surveying a group of healthy, young men exercising wearing T-shirts, and then giving these shirts to women to sniff, and rank the shirts according to which smelled more sexy than others.


Stephen spoke about his method “We asked the women to rate how much they liked it, how floral, how fruity,” these results were astonishing, “Women basically found that men who ate more vegetables smelled nicer,” He continued. This study is a continuation of an earlier study carried out in 2006,  that gathered opined that vegetarian food make men smell sexier to women.

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Time to eat more vegetable guys, include more of this in your meals, and see how your scent changes to your partner.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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