The company parties were semi-annual events that the executives put on to try and help boost company morale.
The problem was they were always held on Saturday evenings, which virtually kills the weekend, they didn’t splurge for anything fancier than the building’s conference hall, and attendance was mandatory. The only good part was that the food was decent and the alcohol was free, which meant out of the one hundred and fifty or so employees and their spouses or dates, at least a few people were likely to make total asses of themselves.
This time, it seemed, there would be an added bonus for me as I walked into the hall alone; Funmi would be there, and she made a point of mentioning it to me.
For the first couple of hours, I found a table with some work buddies, and then did the mandatory mingling and schmoozing that would be required of me. I also indulged in some food and a few drinks. Might as well make the most of it. By the third hour, I made a point of looking for Funmi in the mass of people and music.
By 9:00, a lot of people were feeling pretty good, and I noticed the dance floor was beginning to fill up. I spotted Funmi at last. She was stunning, in a black, one-piece, strapless dress that somehow clung onto her large breasts and ended right around the knee. It was simple, but clung to her curvy figure, and showed plenty of that cleavage I so wanted to explore.
She was walking out hand in hand with some guy. With such a brazen public display, it had to be her husband. He was a stiff suit, older than her by probably ten years or more, but by the look of his suit, he seemed to have lots of money. Maybe that was the trick. She married a rich, older man who couldn’t satisfy her, so she gets what she wants on the side.
I watched them on and off for an hour. They danced only a couple of slow songs before Funmi’s husband led her off and obviously refused to go back on. I also noticed that every time I saw her, Funmi seemed to finish off a glass of liquor. Shortly after they returned to their table, a woman joined them. I recognized her, though I didn’t know her name.
She worked in the same area as Funmi and was a little younger. She was tall, slim, not much in the way of the breasts department, but she was really pretty. Dressed in a red velvet shirt and black trousers, her trim figure was accented as much as her delicate skin.
The two women chatted and Funmi’s husband got up and moved into the group of our company execs. He must have been really important. I’ve never seen our VP invite an outsider into their private circle so readily. When I turned back to Funmi, my eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets.
They were kissing. It was not a long, sensuous kiss, but it was more than just a friendly peck on the cheek. And I swear I saw the other girl’s hand briefly cup Funmi’s left tit. Funmi whispered something in her ear, and with a quick glance to her husband, the two giggled and got up from the table. To my shock and near terror, Funmi guided them my way. They were walking hand in hand, and Funmi was stumbling just a little. As they passed, Funmi only glanced at me and raised her eyebrows before the pair slipped out of the hall into the reception area.
I wasn’t sure what to think. I was convinced they were just going to the bathroom together, but for the way, she raised her eyebrows at me. No, it couldn’t have meant anything. Her raised eyebrows were just a subtle hello and all she could afford in our secretive world.
But they did leave the hall, and the bathrooms were accessible only from inside the hall. It took me about thirty seconds to decide to follow.
I carefully wove my way out, giving polite, unsuspicious greetings as I passed acquaintances and coworkers and tried to keep myself from running out after the pair. There were only two ways they could have gone. Left towards the elevators, or right towards a bunch of side rooms and small halls. If they took an elevator, I would never be able to find them, so I turned right and hurried down the hall.
All of the rooms I passed were either dark or locked, and I was beginning to think my imagination was playing with my penis when I turned a corner and saw a faint light coming from a partially opened door. Looking around, I slowly poked my head inside. The conference room itself was still dark, but at the far end of the room light was filtering in from another door. I carefully closed the first one behind me and crept forward.
The second door was open about three inches and led into a small lounge. It seemed my eyes were determined to leave my head that night and I had to shake my head and look away before looking back.
The two women were locked in an embrace as they kissed each other deeply. I could hear the sounds of slurping as their tongues attacked one another. It was every man’s fantasy come to life right before my eyes. I swallowed hard and grabbed my twitching cock through my pants as I watched the scene unfold.
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