March 9, 2025

Talking About The Gigantic One-Eyed Monster: 17 women speak of their big dick experience

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Talking About The Gigantic One-Eyed Monster: 17 women speak of their big dick experience

Not everyone who has encountered the huge monster has escaped unscathed, some even get addicted.

I thought I could take on a guy with a very large appendage. Boy was I wrong… I was determined to make it work… But I ended up injuring my vagina…

It is easy to be fooled by porn flicks that big dicks are the best kind of dicks in the world, it guarantees maximum satisfaction, yada yada yada! And it keeps going on and on. Sadly, it’s not all fun and games like it’s depicted in the big screen. Sometimes it’s good, and other times, it’s unbearably.

Sheyla, Lifebuzz has a note about the confessions from women who have encountered this monstrosity.


1. Never be deceived by the size of the man

Some people are often judged about the size of the penis based on their body size, which is a really bad way of accessing the tool. Helen, 34 found that out, “The biggest man I’ve ever had in bed came as a complete surprise to me.

He was so short and skinny! But once he got his pants off… Well let’s just say I was a little intimidated,” she confesses.

2. First sex experience with a baseball bat

Laney, 23 lost her virginity to a large one which made the experience worse. “I had the unfortunate task of taking on an absolute giant when I lost my virginity” she shares. “I thought my first time was going to be beautiful… it turned out to be one of the most painful experiences of my life.”

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3. Packing guys are usually jacked too

28 years old Trisha hooked up with an athlete, one of those guys that are thoroughly ripped. “I was working as a sports journalist and got a little friendly with a star athlete – I won’t say which one… I had no idea how big he was down there… And he was extremely rough too,” Trisha says.


4. Sometimes, it’s better to know one’s limit

Fiona, 29 picked up a guy at the bar, and she got to the point where she couldn’t proceed any longer because of the size of his tool. “I was drinking one night and went home with a guy,” she reveals. “He seemed nice. When we got to his place, and started getting down to business, I realized he was way too big for me… It could only fit halfway.”

5. Risk of injury is quite possible

Rebecca, 19 being very adventurous saw the large member and decided to take it all, and it caused her a trip to the hospital. “I thought I could take on a guy with a very large appendage. Boy was I wrong… I was determined to make it work… But I ended up injuring my vagina… I even had to see a gynecologist,” She narrated.

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6. Soft and hard state are different things

Tanya, 29 saw the big penis but wasn’t scared of it then her mind changed when it happened. “When I saw what he was packing down there I wasn’t too amazed. It was big, but it wasn’t huge. Then he started to get erect… Let’s just say he was a grower, not a shower,” she narrates.


7. It can be pretty addictive

Olga, 25 is asking ladies to be careful what they wish for. If you get a large one then get addicted to it, and then move on from it to a smaller one, it can be very frustrating. “For all those ladies who think bigger is better – think it through first. I took on a massive guy and haven’t had anything bigger since… Only trouble is now nothing else can satisfy me,” she cautions.

8. The wedding night package was hurtful

Alessandra left sex till wedding night to have sex for the first time. “The biggest man I’ve ever had was my ex-husband. We had kept our virginity till marriage. When I felt how big he was I started sobbing. But I didn’t want to ruin the night,” she recollects.

9. Abort mission immediately

Bianca,20 wasn’t a big shy in taking off as she saw the biggest dick in her life. “This is kinda cheating, since I didn’t actually have sex with him, but back in college I was about to get intimate with a guy – then he pulled down his pants and I saw how massive he was down there. I literally ran out of the room all the way back to my dorm,” Bianca tells.

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10. The vagina can take a big dick not the other opening

Reese, 31 doesn’t have a problem with a large appendage in the vagina but the other one is the issue. “Big dicks are fantastic… until you have anal,” she advises.


11. The owner of the tool despises it too

Stephanie, 29 couldn’t allow it enter her, and even her partner knew so he went for a reduction surgery. “I once hooked up with this guy whose penis was seriously like a Coke can. I refused to even have sex with him, it was too wide. It wouldn’t even fit in my mouth! We went our separate ways, and later I found out he decided to actually get surgery to make it smaller,” she says.

12. Big penises make it oral nightmare for ladies

Some ladies get off giving blowjobs to men to help them finish but Kelly, 30 found out it was more strenuous than usual. “Girth is definitely a game-changer for getting off, so in my opinion that’s the real advantage of a big dick. It’s really more how they use it though. One way big dicks totally suck is for blow jobs,” she says. “One guy I dated has a wide and really long penis, and that made giving one pretty awful. I was literally gagging all over the thing to the point it felt like I could throw up — and just drooling saliva everywhere. I kept having to stop and take breaks, which made it harder for to him finish. With a small penis, you can put the entire thing in your mouth, and they finish in like five minutes.”

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13. You’ll spend your time comparing

Katie experienced a large penis with the second person she had sex with, and got through life comparing them against eachother. “The biggest dick I’ve still ever encountered to this day is when I was 18 years old… I don’t even think I really knew what a big dick was in the grand scheme of things — this was only the second one I had ever encountered. I obviously didn’t have much to compare it to. But I knew when I first saw it I was taken aback big time… 15 years later, it’s still the biggest one I’ve ever seen,” she explains.

“The bad part about it is I just started assuming sex was always going to be painful because I didn’t know any better! It was like losing my virginity again and again every time we had sex. I had to, like, gear up for it. We dated into college, and I’ll admit, once we got a little more practice, the girth of his penis definitely made things get better. It got really good, actually. That also came with just getting more comfortable. But when you come out the gate with something like that, every other penis you see seems sorta average.”


14. Warning about a big dick isn’t always just cocky.

Jane, 33 met with a guy and things got interesting and then he warned her about his size, and she thought he was being a jerk. “I met this guy out one night and we really hit it off. He was super hot, really tall… he came over later that night, and when he was fingering me, he was like: ‘Wow, you’re so tight. I don’t know if we can have sex. I may rip you in two.’ I sorta rolled my eyes at him, like OK dude,” she recalls. “Then he took his pants off, and I was like ‘Oh.’ It was like a baby’s arm. We ended up not having sex. Mainly because we were both drunk, and he had a bit of whiskey dick. Then he woke me up in the middle of the night to do it, and when he started, I actually screamed ‘Get it out of me!’ And I am hardly a virgin. So I guess there can be such a thing as too big.”

15. Not everyone who possess the tool can swing it.

Like any weapon knowing how to use is as important as having it. Caroline,32 found out this in her encounter. “You know that episode of Sex and the City where they say a hot guy never thinks he has to be good at sex because he’s hot? That’s sorta what I’ve encountered with guys who have really big penises,” she warns. “A couple of guys I’ve dated who have above-average ones just assume because they have that, they’re awesome in bed.

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A new level of cocky. Um, you still have to actually be good at sex. That big penis isn’t going to do everything for you. I’d rather have a big penis than a teeny peen, but I have noticed that guys with average or smaller penises will at least sometimes work a little harder to make up for that — and are usually way better in bed.”

16. It doesn’t necessary work for every position

Elizabeth, 25 thinks endowed guys are always after her and for a good reason too. “I don’t know how this happened, but I am a magnet for giant dongs. Seriously. If a guy is into me, he probably has a big penis. It’s just science at this point,” she says.

“I shouldn’t be complaining, I guess? But for a long time I couldn’t figure out why sex was never pleasurable for me. The guy would always finish — but I’d be left feeling like I just got run over by a truck. And the next day have to pop, like, two Aleve because I was so sore. Big penises can also inhibit the positions you can do. Doggy style was just a total no-go because it went way too deep, and even on top was tricky.”

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17. Even condoms find it difficult

Kara, 26 is asking ladies to invest in lubes and condoms when encountering the big one eyed snake demon. “The problem with big penises are condoms. They are a serious issue with guys who have big wangs. One guy I dated was so big, it just seemed like none of them worked. It would always fall out, and a couple of times it broke, which was terrifying,” she explains.

“You also need tons and tons of lube. It just interrupts everything, all the starting and stopping. You either need to adjust the condom, or add more lube. When I was dating that guy, I swear we went through like a bottle of lube every couple of weeks.”

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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