March 10, 2025


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Tag: voyeurism

The King & The Queen’s Maidens

Been a while, isn’t it? That you’ve heard from me, personally from the Oniranu. Well, it’s life, sometimes I’m here, others times, I’m not. Even Jesus said so in the Bible. 2021 is halfway gone, and coincidentally, in August 2021, this platform is...

The Queen & Her Maidens (18+)

Shout out to my muse, thanks for inspiring me to write this. Enjoy, and let me know what you think of the story in the comment section. The day is finally here, the day she becomes a goddess. Long before, she has always told him about her fantasy of...

DS Series: The 4-Way Voyeurism (18+)

We sat infront of the bed on chairs that felt like dining chairs with armrest. I was seated along with Mr. D.A ( The man I mentioned earlier who wanted me to sleep with his girlfriends and wife while he watches). I believe the term is Voyeurism...

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