Afterschool Specials [Finale] is the thrilling conclusion to the forbidden romance between Chinasa and her instructor, Mr. Ogungbe. As they navigate the challenges of their relationship, Will their love withstand the scrutiny of society and the...
In episode 16 of Naughty Chorister by Reezy Sama, things take a scandalous turn as Peju gets involved in the adult entertainment industry. This riveting e-novel explores the consequences that come with indulging in taboo desires, and the unexpected...
Afterschool Specials [Episode Three] follows the story of Chinasa and her instructor, Mr. Ogungbe. The episode explores how their relationship started and the challenges they face as they try to keep it a secret. This e-novel takes readers on an...
Get ready for Episode Two of Afterschool Specials, where the steamy relationship between Chinasa and her teacher, Mr. Ogungbe, reaches new heights of passion. As they struggle to keep their affair a secret, their desire for each other grows stronger...
Afterschool Specials [Episode One] is a sizzling erotica that explores the relationship between Chinasa and Mr. Ogungbe. As their afterschool arrangement unfolds, the two must navigate the complexities of passion, desire, and secrecy. Will they be...