March 31, 2025


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Tag: new year new zoe

Zoe’s Scribbles : Conspiracy V

I’m sorry guys. This should have gone up last week but no light and with the fuel queues across the major cities in the country, I wasn’t about to waste man power just to buy 3 litres of fuel just to power the generator. The light is better now so...

Zoe’s Scribbles: Conspiracy IV

Hey guys, sorry about last week. For some reason, the post I had planned got lost. Anyway, there will be a new series in addition to Zoe’s Scribbles. It will be a diary of sorts where I’ll be documenting a new phase in my life. It will involve my...

Zoe’s Scribbles: Conspiracy III

Tunde: Hey babe, how did it go with Oyin? Zoe: It went well, I guess. She was pretty pleasant when I told her I’m not the one she’s looking for. Oh, BTW, I’m a lesbian and I usually bring my girls to sleep over at your place because it’s discreet...

Zoe’s Scribbles: Conspiracy II

Due to the recent plunge in oil prices, a lot of indigenous oil companies couldn’t cope and had to lay off their staff and those who still couldn’t were left almost defunct. At a board meeting held to determine what my company could do to stay above...

Zoe’s Scribbles : Conspiracy

I had just started a new job at one of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world which decided to anchor their ship here in Nigeria after losing my old job for the most ridiculous reason- having a sugar daddy who happened to be my old boss’...

New Year New Zoe

Hi guys. So sorry I didn’t write anything last week. I got caught up. Anyway, I’m here now and I’ll do better.   ————————————————...

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