March 6, 2025


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Tag: murder

9 Craziest Murder Weapons

1. The woman who tried to kill her husband by dousing her genitals in poison An unidentified man from Sao de Jose Rio Preto, Brazil accused his wife of lacing her genitals with poison and then asking him to perform oral sex. The man became...

Toun’s Circle: Episode 5

Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ajomale is back! Enjoy the new episode. __ Written by @Miss_Ajomale Somehow, sleep finally caught up with me. It felt like a happy ending,  the past 72hours had been some sort of a dream, I felt someone was going to tap me...

Toun’s Circle: Episode 2

Written by @Miss_Ajomale I said, “Babes, calm down! what’s wrong?” She went quiet, exhaled and said, “Answer now Olumide! Is it not you I’m talking to?” Meyn! Now this case was familiar, and this is how some babes start their madness. Fola starts to...

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