March 31, 2025


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[Audio] #OniranuFiction Goodluck Ifeanyi [Episode 2]

In this second episode, the confusion is multiplied as the bag is in a different part of town, and it seems a tribal clash is about to begin in Yaba. Ifeanyi is finding the best means to make away with the cash, owners of the money are after the...

[Audio] #OniranuFiction Goodluck Ifeanyi [Episode 1]

Follow the story of a young apprentice in Lagos, as he accidentally hits the jackpot on a regular but rather eventful evening in the Oyingbo area of Lagos.

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Deolu Oniranu · #OniranuFiction Goodluck Ifeanyi [Episode 1]

Revelation (18+)

Take a deep breathe,she is just human. Yes he knew that part but after stalking her for months,he still wasn’t sure if he was to actually believe it. She was everything and more,her beauty couldn’t be described with mortal words. She was like the...

Zoe’s Scribbles: #NYSCTales

Hey guys, remember I said I would be entering a new phase of life and I was going to tell you guys about it? Well, it’s happened and while I’m not thrilled about the experience at the moment, I’m excited to tell you guys all about...

Zoe’s Scribbles : Disillusion

‘I’m sorry but you’re not quite what we’re looking for’. This was the 4th organisation this week Omozele had gone to in order to drop her application and as usual, she was rejected. The other ones were kinder. ‘We will get back to you’, they said...

Shon Eze (TDDG) S02: Episode 4 (18+)

Written By Esther Estelle I got into Pops’ room to find Walter staring hardly out the window like he wished it would take him somewhere else and Carmen was practically lying in Pops’ bed with him. They looked oblivious to everyone else in the room...

Shon Eze (TDDG) S02: Episode 3

Bianca was in the hallway screaming obscenities at anyone who wouldn’t let her in and making the hell out of a scene. The nurses at the reception were trying to speak to her all at the same time while she cussed each of them out in turns. Shontelle...

The House Business : Episode 4 (18+)

“Its not what you think” I was trying to explain to Funke. “You are an idiot, a bastard. I thought you were different. You are just like every other man I have met. All you think and want is sex.” Funke was really upset and...

The House Business: Episode 3

After the whole Funke experience, I promise myself I won’t talk to any babe in this building anymore. I focus completely on my office work, except the occassional weekend parole with babes. I have been single for a while now, no babe and you...

Unspoken Desires : His Dark Secret II

I felt my world spin around me as I expected the worst… What possibly could Fred tell me that he waited to until after he’d proposed to me and I accepted his proposal? I withdrew from him and took two steps backwards. “What is it...

Unspoken Desires: My Best Friend’s Dad

Belema and I have been best friends since secondary school. I can say that I spent 60 to 80% of whatever free time I had back when we were in our teens at her house since they were reasonably rich and had almost everything. They lived in the GRA and...

Strokes of Pink: Episode 2

Written by Funke Ajomale Tomorrow, I am going to get raped by the one I got passion for. Does this make me sad? Yes. Is this my fault? Yes. Do I sometimes enjoy it? Yes. Can I hold on any longer? No. These where the questions I asked myself and also...

BoBBy! : Episode 5

Written by Eric Arthur As he paid the motorcyclist, Jude looked around to access the environment. It was serene, really quiet and very neat. He noticed so many high grade cars parked in very orderly manner. The tall trees gave a boulevard-ish appeal...

BoBBy! Episode 4

Written by Eric Arthur  Waking up, I stretched my arms, yawning. Alfred’s bed was empty. I took my phone from under my pillow and checked the time. 9:05. Gosh! I was going to miss church if I don’t shower quickly. My little man down...

BoBBy! : Episode 2

Written By Eric Authur & Tosin Silver As I stood to leave, I looked at the room and admired its beauty. Funke had a near-perfect sense of fashion and design, she put everything in the right place. Her self-contained room was large. I guess...

Toun’s Circle: Episode 5

Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ajomale is back! Enjoy the new episode. __ Written by @Miss_Ajomale Somehow, sleep finally caught up with me. It felt like a happy ending,  the past 72hours had been some sort of a dream, I felt someone was going to tap me...

#DLV: The Journey – Episode 8

Written by @dj_fleau As I drove home after work that evening I thought of how I was going to crash so hard into my bed considering how fatigued I was. I was not even sure of where I was going to get the energy to entertain Andrew who was going to...

#DLV: The Journey: Episode 7

Written by @dj_fleau My niece means the world to me, I know how protective I get over her and how eager I am to meet her needs. I can’t even imagine anything happening to her, I would give an arm to shield her from the evils of this world. Although...

Average Joe: Lynda Who? Finale

Lynda was trying to extort me and I couldn’t believe it. Not like I couldn’t believe it, it was hard to swallow, worse than a bitter pill, and this wasn’t just some normal type of extortion; this was a life and death situation. I...

Following Chris : Episode 20

Chris went back to the spot where he had been sitting and waited for them to finish up and it took quite a while before Lola came back out into the lit area giggling and adjusting her skirt with the guy in tow. Walking over to his car, they hugged...

The Diary of a Lagos Virgin : Episode 2

Written by @dj_fleau I silently prayed that Bola won’t be home as I opened the door to the 2-bedroom apartment I share with her. That prayer went unanswered as I walked in to see Bola sitting in front of the tv with dinner on her laps.. I acted like...

Following Chris: Episode 16

“Come on in.” He said reaching for the door knob. “It really is good seeing you again after all this time Yemisi.” “It feels good too.” She replied. Chris led the way into the living room, silently thanking his stars that he had kept the place in...

Following Chris: Episode 15

Leaving the hospital ward Lola was in with all the anxiety gone felt like an actual – not the proverbial – weight had been lifted off of his chest. He felt himself being able to breathe normally, his body temperature getting cooler and his heart...

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