January 19, 2025


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Tag: josephEParker

Adapt or Die (Part 1)

Last week I tweeted, “The only thing any of us can know for certain is that life will continue to change at a rapid pace,and the world would continue on its axis;” seemingly nothing had changed rapidly . Do I still believe this statement...

How to concentrate

Today’s post will be very brief. I realise that most people who read my column here usually come for compressed information about their personal and career development. The value of growth and development for a young professional, student or...

@JosephEParker on Rush

Sitting down with my good friend F in a cafe during lunch break, she had nothing but complains, ruining our thought-to-be friendly chit-chat over lunch. She had just gotten a new job, which invariably means we had less time to spend together like we...

The lines of our lives – @JosephEParker

The word for “character” comes from the Greek term describing an engraving instrument. The picture is of an artist who wears a groove on a metal plate by repeatedly etching the same place with a sharp tool. After repeated stroke, an image begins to...

@JosephEParker on Life Values

Suppose we finally take our elders’ advice and reflect on the important things we have learnt from the past holiday season. What happens next? Should we be waiting for a specific moment, when suddenly our perspective shifts and our approach to life...

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