Dele finds Lola all ready to go when he emerges from his bedroom, showered and dressed, at 8 o’clock the next morning. Lola is wearing a pale black blouse and shorts that hugged her curvy hips like a second skin. Dele feels his dick reacting...
“It’s alright,” he reassures her. “Start from the beginning and we’ll get through this together.” Dele is anxious to find out what happened between Bisola and her brother so he can disregard this foolish vow of...
“Who wants to go in the water?” Dele asks, turning towards the waves as he stands up. Yinka’s hands guiltily pull away from his sister’s ass cheeks as he considers the idea of using the waves to hide his erection...
Lola and Yinka are already at the beach resort when Dele and Bisola arrive. Dele excitedly verifies that the bedrooms are just as he expected, only better. The headboards of the king size beds butt up against the wall. As they unpack, he wonders if...
Bisola is oblivious to the warm temperature of her bathwater. The cucumber is on the floor next to the tub, her eyes are closed and her body is completely relaxed. After settling into her bath, she immediately started practicing with the cucumber...