In this thrilling finale, King Adeyemi launches a daring attack on the palace, seeking to reclaim his rightful throne. As chaos erupts within the walls of the palace, General Seyi must rally his troops and defend against the ruthless onslaught. The...
Introducing the much-anticipated Episode 5 of the King Adeyemi & Dahomey Queen series! In this instalment, King Adeyemi sets off on a perilous journey to the city of Dahomey to seek the assistance of the powerful and enigmatic Queen. As the...
Introducing “King Adeyemi & Dahomey Queen [Episode 1],” Season 2 of The Nasty Prince that’s guaranteed to hook readers from the very first page. Follow the gripping story of King Adeyemi and his struggles to maintain his power...
The Nasty Prince [Finale] is the thrilling conclusion to the captivating e-novel series. Follow Prince Adeyemi as he finally meets the Queen of Dahomey, but on his own terms. The stakes have never been higher as the fate of her kingdom hangs in the...
In The Nasty Prince [Episode 3], readers will witness the continuation of Prince Adeyemi’s scandalous behavior as he indulges in private meetings. The steamy scenes between the characters will leave readers on the edge of their seats...
The Nasty Prince [Episode 2]” continues the steamy saga of Prince Adeyemi as he explores his wild and erotic side. In this episode, he meets the Negotiator from the Kingdom of Dahomey and things heat up quickly. The Prince can’t resist...
The Nasty Prince (Episode 1) is a tantalizing e-novel that explores the promiscuity and sexual escapades of Prince Adeyemi. From steamy encounters with multiple partners to his insatiable appetite for pleasure, this e-novel is not for the faint of...
Backdoor Bride [Finale] is the exciting conclusion to Ada and Ebuka’s love story. In this e-novel, the couple solidifies their wedding vows on their first night as husband and wife. Readers will be captivated by the passion and emotion that...
Backdoor Bride [Episode 3] follows the story of Ada and Ebuka, who have just tied the knot but are anxious about their wedding night. This e-novel takes you on a journey of love, passion, and intimacy as the couple navigates through the challenges...
This story is a tantalizing and steamy erotica that will leave you wanting more. The story follows Ada and Ebuka as they explore temptations, desires and passions before their upcoming wedding. As the big day approaches, Ada and Ebuka are consumed...
This story is a tantalizing and steamy erotica that will leave you wanting more. The story follows Ada and Ebuka as they explore temptations, desires and passions before their upcoming wedding. As the big day approaches, Ada and Ebuka are consumed...