February 21, 2025


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Tag: feminism

Wizkid, Entitled Men, And The ‘Ashawo’ Rhetoric

Written by Efe Plange I have been looking for the right opportunity to rant on an issue that has been bothering me since my adult life. And just recently, a double celebrity social media beef seems to have presented the most opportune time. I came...

The Strong African Woman Myth

When you grow up in any part of Black Africa, the meaning of strength surpasses the ability to carry a weighted object. It carries physical, psychological, social and even spiritual connotations. I am a woman, and just like all of my kind who grow...

If I were a first lady

Written by @francafly About three months ago a video of Stella Damasus, a renowned Nigerian actress went viral on almost every social media network. The self-made video captured the light skinned actress vehemently condemning the fact that the...

Toy cars & Barbie Dolls

written by @francafly LET’S BALANCE THE EQUATION Have you ever wondered why there seem to be more men than women in the science and technology sector? Go through the statistics and it is very alarming the difference in ratio of the number of men in...

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