March 26, 2025


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Following Chris: Episode 16

“Come on in.” He said reaching for the door knob. “It really is good seeing you again after all this time Yemisi.” “It feels good too.” She replied. Chris led the way into the living room, silently thanking his stars that he had kept the place in...

20 Funniest Sports Faces

This is Russia’s Evgeni Plushenko practicing for the men’s figure skating competition at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. (Source) (Source) Here’s Kurt Roberts throwing during the men’s shot put competition in 2012 to qualify for...

Same Watering-Hole?

Hi Guys, How’s it all going? I hope well. So, this is the 2nd of my ‘epic’ rant section and believe it or not, am beginning to settle into this. I think more and more on what to rant here and because of what goes on in Nigeria, I am...

Following Chris: Episode 15

Leaving the hospital ward Lola was in with all the anxiety gone felt like an actual – not the proverbial – weight had been lifted off of his chest. He felt himself being able to breathe normally, his body temperature getting cooler and his heart...

9 Mothers-In-Law from Hell

1. The Mother-in-Law Who Attempted to Hire a Hitman to Kill Her Son’s Wife Do you think your mother-in-law is bad? At least she didn’t try to kill you. In 2013, a 70-year-old Florida grandmother was accused of hiring a hitman to murder...

Carrot-Stick Approach

Hi Guys, I know its been long since you’ve read anything from me. For several months now, its been me delving straight into stories, no introduction or preambles. Moreover, I haven’t been able to rant or anything, maybe put my rant into writing...

8 of the World’s Worst Boyfriends

1. Jebidiah James Stipe: the ex boyfriend who used Craigslist to arrange woman’s rape A Wyoming man was accused of posing online as his former girlfriend and soliciting someone to act out a violent sexual fantasy. The advertisement appeared on...

10 Weirdest Things People Were Willing to Sell or Trade

1. The Man Who is Selling His Testicle to Buy His Dream Car Would you sell a body part for a new car? Mark Parisi would. He appeared on CBS’ show The Doctors to discuss his plans to sell his left testicle for $35,000. But he’s not...

Blue balls

Happy new year everyone! Today’s post is supplied by someone who would rather remain anonymous. Thanks for all your support. Let me know your thoughts on the story in the comment box after the story. Thanks. ____ She eyed the queue for the BRT...

Following Chris : Episode 14

Holla Earthlings, Before we begin, I’ll like to say compliments of the season, have a fantastic holiday and thanks for your reading and recommending this blog to your friends, enjoy the story! We might be off for the holidays as well but it...

Following Chris : Episode 13

Coming out of the room and standing by the doorway, Audrey asked “why does the room smell like sex?” and they all collapsed in fits of giggles. TY’s face clouded for a moment and then taking it in her stride, she just came up with a witty remark...

World’s First Plastic Surgeries

 Walter Yeo, Known as the First Person to Have Plastic Surgery Walter Yeo, a British sailor during World War I, is often cited as the first known person to have benefited from plastic surgery. Walter sustained terrible facial injuries, including the...

My Sweet Uncle Frank

The writer of the story wants to remain anonymous, leave comment 😀 _________ We had just finished learning French, a subject that I have never liked, and were lounging around the classroom telling separate tales when the Vice Principal of academics...

Following Chris (18+) : Episode 12

“Come here”, she said. Looking at her in all her glory on the bed through his already alcohol-befuddled mind and eyes, he might as well have been seeing an angel inviting him to come on to Heaven. He allowed himself to drink in the sights as he...

10 Billionaires Who Lost Billions

 Icelandic Billionaire has a Net Worth of Zero Once the second richest man in Iceland, billionaire Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson filed for bankruptcy in 2009. The brewer turned billionaire made his fortune as a shareholder of Landsbanki, Iceland’s...

What Jobs Would Celebrities Have If They Weren’t Famous?

Copyright: Joe Scarnici/Getty Images Harrison Ford Most aspiring actors never get more than a few bit parts or roles as extras, which is exactly how Harrison Ford’s career started. He started to get tired of those small roles and began work as...

DS Series: The Rematch Parole

Having rematch sex is sometimes exciting especially if the first one was super awesome. Remember, the chic from Impromptu parole, we got back together some weekends back, that story was the first post on this blog. We kind of went separate ways...

10 Places that are Crowded with Twins

 The Restaurant that Only Employs Twins If you see the same waitress walking past you twice at a diner in Moscow, you didn’t just experience de ja vu; it’s actually a restaurant staffed by twins. Twin Stars is a new eatery located in the...

Average Joe(18+): The Friendly Neighbour IV

I watched Amaka walk to the stairs, her ass wobbling with every step and my cum dripping off it. I felt like I was in a trancelike state and couldn’t do anything to change what was about to happen next even if I tried. What I did next was quite...

10 Notorious Last Words from Prisoners on Death Row

 “Let’s do it!” (The Inspiration for Nike’s Famous Slogan) In the winter of 1976, the country was all abuzz about Gary Gilmore, a convicted Utah murderer who was demanding his own death. Gary, a career criminal, had killed two people in...

My Oga’s Madam (18+)

Okay guys, welcome back! Its been a while I have written foreword before a post. Its goes without saying which is why am gonna say it, Its a new idea, writing erotica in pidgin, some of us narrate our sexual paroles in pidgin and am like Deolu, why...

World’s Oldest

 World’s Oldest Female Yoga Instructor (83-year-old) Yoga instructor Bette Calman may be 83, but she’s still bending over backwards to spread the benefits of the ancient Indian discipline. The nimble grandmother can really pull some...

Average Joe (18+) : The Friendly Neighbour II

I walked up to Amaka slowly and grabbed her ass. Then I squeezed… She paused, she didn’t say anything, didn’t resist. She didn’t fling Chinaware at my face, my hand was still grabbing, so I decided to go all in. With one swift move my fingers were...

Following Chris: Episode 8

“Please forgive me Lola. I slept with Chris.” She said looking up at Lola’s face. Lola laughs. A hearty, loud, body-shaking chortle, and trying to speak at the same time. “You sl…” Lola started and then collapsed into another fit of very loud...

Average Joe (18+): The Friendly Neighbour

“Oga how much be your money?” I asked the elderly man as he swiped sweat from his forehead with a soiled handkerchief as we both stood under the blazing sun. He sized me up for a bit and said “Four thousand naira.” “Four thousand?!” I exclaimed...

Following Chris: Episode 7

A harmless and just-for-fun-and-to kill-time drinking game was how it started. Asking questions and drinking a shot of vodka if you failed. It had been going back and forth for a while and all three of them had quite a good buzz on. You know, that...

The Wedding Night (18+)

A post written by someone who wants to remain anonymous…. Enjoy! Finally, it was all over! The long awaited day that I and Jumoke, my newly wedded wife had been looking forward to. The days before the wedding had been extremely hectic. We’d...

Following Chris: Episode 3

Christopher Kayode Nelson, Chris as he liked to be called, was born sometime in the eighties. “Crazy since the eighties” he would jokingly refer to himself. Born into a rich middle class family, he never really had much problems getting whatever he...

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