February 5, 2025


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Tag: dnd sex stories

YeyeGist: Agatha’s Playbook (Chapter 4) [18+]

Mere seeing Collins with Amabe the witch doctor who just fucked me in the restroom verified all my fears about Collins. So this two even knew each other, heeeiiii! What a small world indeed. What if Amabe was Collins’ juju plug and I had gone to the...

YeyeGist: Agatha’s Playbook (Chapter 3) [18+]

Amabe climbed on top of the bed and knelt over me pinning me down with his legs, he squeezed me between his strong masculine legs and I lay helplessly as I watched him devour me in the name of a cleansing ritual. I wanted to scream but then I...

YeyeGist: Agatha’s Playbook (Chapter 2) [18+]

Collins was crying for real as he was fucking me, I wanted to tell him to stop and ask why he was crying but I was enjoying the pumping so much and I didn’t want it to end just like that. I was gathered all the moments of that evening in my head, so...

YeyeGist: Agatha’s Playbook (Chapter 1) [18+]

Someone like me who has sworn that I will only make it in this life through hookups can’t come and stress myself with one 9-to-5 job for 30 days and collect one chicken change I can make in just three solid outings. You know there are actually...

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