March 9, 2025


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#DLV The Journey: Episode 9

Written by Fleau Bola was trying to clean-up our sitting room, when I walked in. I walked pass her and headed straight for my room, which looked a bit disorganized with all the gifts. I was about to clear it all when Seyi walked into the room. She...

The 10 Youngest Inventors of All Time

Most of the young people on this list created their inventions before they even made it out of high school! This list of the 10 youngest innovators includes people who are responsible for innovations that have entertained, assisted and delighted...

12 Bizarre Photos of Animals Being Transported

An alpaca pokes his head out from the passenger seat of a car in a traffic jam inChangchun, China. The five-year-old camelid has been hired by a bar in the town in the hope he’ll attract more customers. (Source) Picture this – you’re...

#DLV: The Journey: Episode 7

Written by @dj_fleau My niece means the world to me, I know how protective I get over her and how eager I am to meet her needs. I can’t even imagine anything happening to her, I would give an arm to shield her from the evils of this world. Although...

10 People You Might Not Know Were Inventors

Some people have a never-ending thirst for knowledge and hey, thank goodness for that! Where would we be without the likes of Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin and other like-minded people who were visionaries? While it seems...

Average Joe: Lynda Who? Finale

Lynda was trying to extort me and I couldn’t believe it. Not like I couldn’t believe it, it was hard to swallow, worse than a bitter pill, and this wasn’t just some normal type of extortion; this was a life and death situation. I...

Following Chris, Episode 22 – Season 1 Finale

Hi Guys, Thanks so much for reading and sharing this story, its written by @thisboyperforms, stalk his twitter timeline and tell him about how much you love the story. This is the end of Season 1 for Following Chris, more information about...

#DLV – The Journey: Episode 6

Written by @dj_fleau Seyi moved out the next day. The girl didn’t have much to move out anyway. Most of her properties were still at her former house. “Babe, you go follow me go my house go pack my remaining things after work” Seyi asked I can’t, I...

Suits, Scandal, Politics & P-Square

Hi guys, I hope you all enjoyed the weekend. So, I have been observing things for a while now and I have shit load of complaints and grievances to be honest. I can’t guarantee that this wouldn’t anger you in a way but to be honest, it creeps me out...

#DLV: The Journey: Episode 5

 Written by @dj_Fleau “Anything you want Temi you know I would do anything for you!” He said sounding so eager to please me like a step child seeking for a stepmother’s attention “Can you kill someone for me?” I asked He went...

Toun’s Circle : Episode 4

Written by @Miss_Ajomale See the truth is I don’t know how people get themselves into shit like this. Is it that you forget the future or you think God sleeps? Now a girl’s hope has been dashed and has double orgasmic trust issues. The maid went on...

#DLV: The Journey- Episode 4

We wish to commiserate with the people who have lost their loved ones in the Abuja bombing. May God give you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. Written by @dj_fleau   “Thank God you are back” she said as I walked in. You...

Short Story: The Romulus Dream

Hello Earthlings, Well, I was surfing around the internet and found this story, so I’m sharing it with all of you, I have the writer’s permission Enjoy! and share!   Long time ago, in far away land, A great king came up with the one...

#DLV – The Journey : Episode 3

Written by @dj_fleau He shrugged without saying a word “Thank You” I wanted to hug him actually but on a second thought I figured that appreciation would be way exaggerated He put his hand into mine and said “we should go in now we don’t want to...

25 Kids That Gave Absolutely Brilliant Answers On Their Tests

You’re probably already aware of the phrase, “kids say the darndest things.” Well, it is a saying for good reason. Our little proteges, whether they are toddlers or teens, are more aware and clever than most people give them credit for. Their...

Average Joe (18+): Lynda Who III

I met Lynda a couple of months ago at a friend’s birthday party. I had been reluctant to go at first but then he had urged me on and told me there would be an abundance of beautiful ladies. My relationship with Amaka had gotten beyond the ‘we’re...

#DLV – The Journey : Episode 2

#DLV – The Journey : Episode 2

written by @dj_fleau What did you just say? Bola asked with a smirk on her face I ignored her before turning to Andrew and said “Well! like Bola must have told you before I am Temi and it’s a pleasure to meet you” Our hands were still woven together...

10 Strangest Endurance Contests

1. Ferret-Legging 5 Hours 30 Minutes Is that a ferret in your trousers or are you just happy to see me? Why oh why would you put a live ferret down your pants? Because you are a contestant in a Ferret-Legging contest! This “sport” was thought to...

10 Planes That Mysteriously Vanished Without A Trace

As the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 continues to grip the world’s imagination, there have been several other flights throughout aviation history that never made it to their destinations. Since no wreckage or bodies have ever been...

Following Chris : Episode 21

It took a few months, but it started to happen eventually. The number of phone calls he received from Lola on a daily basis started to reduce until it became the occasional texts in the middle of the day then it moved on to him only seeing her by...

Toun’s Circle: Episode 2

Written by @Miss_Ajomale I said, “Babes, calm down! what’s wrong?” She went quiet, exhaled and said, “Answer now Olumide! Is it not you I’m talking to?” Meyn! Now this case was familiar, and this is how some babes start their madness. Fola starts to...

30 Creative Ambient Ads That Will Grab Your Attention

Companies trying to sell you a product will do anything to cram their ads down your throat, but it’s always nice when they show a bit of creativity and taste when trying to get your attention. Ambient ads are one such specific form of advertisement...

Toun’s Circle : Premiere

Written by Miss_Ajomale  You know how Sundays are, you wake up, feeling lazy still from Saturday’s owambe things. Sigh Yesterday was mad fun, woke up with a rumbling tummy and the next thing I know, I was purging. Well, I was kinda glad no church...

20 Famous People with Exotic Pets

The rich and famous are just like us if we lived with our own anteaters, lions andkangaroos. Check out these 20 well-known people and their unusual pets. 1. Elvis with Pet Kangaroo The kangaroo was given to him by Hollywood agent Lee Gordon. (Photo)...

18 Hilarious Photobombs

Have some of your photos ever been ruined by strangers? Then meet these crazy photobombs that are going to make looking at your albums a lot less painful.



10 Crazy People That Claimed To Be God

There are plenty of people out there with a Messiah complex. Here are ten crazies with big delusions of grandeur–people that claimed to be God with somewhat disastrous results. We know the word “crazy” is a little redundant in the title, but you...

What Did These Celebs Look Like Before Plastic Surgery?

Copyright: Megan Fox Celebrities apparently don’t know how to leave their faces and bodies alone. These celebs look completely different than they did in the past thanks to plastic surgery! Hollywood hottie Megan Fox used to...

Zoe Scribbles (18+): Across the Room

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!   I know it’s like what? The second month of the year but oh well, it still feels new to me. Anyways, Guess who’s back? Me! Me! Me! Whatchu frowning for boo? Y’all know I had to go away for a while right? Right? Well guess...

The Diary of a Lagos Virgin : Episode 2

Written by @dj_fleau I silently prayed that Bola won’t be home as I opened the door to the 2-bedroom apartment I share with her. That prayer went unanswered as I walked in to see Bola sitting in front of the tv with dinner on her laps.. I acted like...

10 Most Stubborn People Ever

Sometimes to their detriment, other times to their reward, here are ten people that would not take no for an answer. 1. Harry Randall Truman: The Genius Who Wasn’t Scared of Volcanoes Folk hero or suicidal putz? That all depends on how you...

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