March 31, 2025


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Tag: betrayal

Toun’s Circle : Episode 6

Written by @Miss-Ajomale The silence during dinner was so loud, I could hear my heart beat. He won’t look at me or even make a full sentence; his hands didn’t even slightly brush mine. I kept doing a full scan of the last six months since we decided...

Toun’s Circle : Episode 4

Written by @Miss_Ajomale See the truth is I don’t know how people get themselves into shit like this. Is it that you forget the future or you think God sleeps? Now a girl’s hope has been dashed and has double orgasmic trust issues. The maid went on...

#DLV: The Journey- Episode 4

We wish to commiserate with the people who have lost their loved ones in the Abuja bombing. May God give you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. Written by @dj_fleau   “Thank God you are back” she said as I walked in. You...

Following Chris : Episode 21

It took a few months, but it started to happen eventually. The number of phone calls he received from Lola on a daily basis started to reduce until it became the occasional texts in the middle of the day then it moved on to him only seeing her by...

Following Chris : Episode 20

Chris went back to the spot where he had been sitting and waited for them to finish up and it took quite a while before Lola came back out into the lit area giggling and adjusting her skirt with the guy in tow. Walking over to his car, they hugged...

The Affair By Tolu Oke

Morning, Welcome to another bright week, how was the long break? Hope you enjoyed it. I cant apologize enough for the lapses on this blog but i promise to be better, please bear with me. Thanks :* Without further ado,one of the baddest bloggers in...

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