My name is Mark.
Well, the ladies call me Big Mark or Dr Big. I grew up to become a kind of an urban legend among female folks, not because of my profession. Well, I am a medical doctor and it’s not that I happen to be a bad one, it’s just that the daughters of Eve came to know me for another reason.
Not to sound like I’m blowing my trumpet, but I know how to handle the fairer sex and somehow, maybe by chance or fate, I would grow up to get between the sheets with a number of them or to be more precise, get between the thighs of quite so many of the opposite sex.
This knack for having a rather smooth way with women was not natural. I wasn’t born with it neither did I become the proficient “ladies’ man” I was to become in my latter years overnight.
I was initially a shy, self-conscious, timid and inexperienced guy. I never had anything intimate with any girl until I was in the university, even when my friends were already smooching and kissing while we were in high school, I was a loner.
The fact that I grew up in a house with three female siblings did not help matters. All of them tried, at one time or another to match make me with a friend of theirs but at that time, it was like I was an incurable timid and shy boy. I always froze at the sight of women!
Well, not to bore you with all the nitty-gritty of my young life, I should fast forward and take you to the origin of how I became a man who has fucked almost a thousand ladies; young, old, black, white, slim, fat and of assorted professions.
I had just finished university and it was the first time I was allowed to leave home and stay with someone else, other than my parents. My parents were so possessive of their kids, none of us ever got to stay with friends or relatives.
But I was now twenty-three and I had graduated with high grades from a prestigious university in the city. They were proud of me and to celebrate with me, they had to agree with my request to stay at my aunt’s. I suspected though, that my dad was not feeling too well nowadays and he was out of steam for an argument.
I was the last born among four children, and he made sure everyone else knew that I was his favourite, though I knew it had to do with the fact that I was the only male child and he had always wanted everyone to know that I stood to inherit the family business and keep his legacy intact and going.
My sisters loved me and they were all protective of me too; I was the pampered, spoilt last born of the Burewa family. None of them loathed me for being my father’s favourite but I guess it was because I was unassuming and I was always good to them all.
But with my mum, it was different; she was the disciplinarian and she instilled some order in the house. I noticed that she was especially harsh toward me sometimes and I always have a way of making fun of her actions, to disarm her but I suspected she was somehow jealous I had stolen her husband’s attention to myself.
When I got to my aunt’s place, I stepped out of the cab and hauled my bags, looking around the area like I was in a foreign country. It was a very high-brow environment, with expensive buildings all around and each one within a perimeter fence.
My aunt was a widow who inherited quite a large sum from her late husband. She was one of her husband’s three wives but from what I heard, she was his favourite and had gotten an estate and a fortune.
Aunt Steph – as we always call her – was my mother’s younger sister and she loved me like her own child. In fact, I believed at one time that she was my mother. She always doted on me, and bought things for me and the woman I called my mom would hardly buy me a thing without complaining.
As I grew older, I knew the truth! She was not my mother and I was disappointed, but my love for her did not diminish. She was my favourite relative and there was nothing that would change it.
What I didn’t tell anyone was that I had a secret crush on Aunt Steph, she was the most beautiful woman I ever met and she had a way of playing with me that evoked indescribable feelings in me.
People said we looked alike. She was a tall woman, with a caramel complexion and she was like a beauty queen or a film star. She carried herself with such dignity and worth that left others around her look second fiddle.
But I also came to find out that she never had a child of her own and I felt like she saw me as a replacement for that.
I was a tall lad, with a lean and athletic frame. Almost everyone I met commented on my good looks, but I was quite too tall for my liking. Some of my friends said they wished they were as tall as I was but I never agreed with them. I felt so awkward standing beside them, I was a full six feet and a half; though I made up for my slimness with tapered muscles and a good ‘v’ shape.
At this point in time, I was rather still innocent when it came to sex. I was so timid when it came to the opposite sex.
Throughout my days at the university, I had only been with a couple of girls but not intimate with them. The first lady I tried to have my way with was known as Boma, she was a girl I had dated for months but we had been more like friends than lovers.
One particular night after the birthday party of a close friend we attended together, We had been helping out with the cleaning and I found myself alone with her in a room. I tried to kiss her but I was surprised when she pushed me off and never allowed me to go further.
When I inquired what I had done wrong, she answered that I had come too strongly on her. I apologized profusely and never tried to do anything with her anymore after that. To my shock, I saw her with a colleague of mine about a month later one evening at another party.
The guy was all over her and she was giggling and surely enjoying it. I wondered what I had done wrong and what the guy was doing differently.
I asked her about it a day or two later and she said I didn’t understand her. When I tried to make her make me understand, she said she was not sure I would understand women! I was shocked beyond words and decided to ‘understand women.’ I ended the relationship and moved on.
My next girlfriend was shy and also innocent as I was. I loved her but we were both so timid that we never initiated anything intimate for several days that we were together.
Her name was Nkechi. She was a lovely, petite thing that I had a lot of daydreams about but I couldn’t find the courage to initiate anything concrete. Sometimes we would sit together for hours talking and playing games but that was just it.
My closest friend, Kola ended up fucking her and she became his steady girlfriend. Nkechi was obviously not convenient with it at first but I had nothing to complain about when he told me that she complained I was too gentle with her.
To my surprise, every girl I tried to get entangled with ended up with someone else and I knew that I was responsible for that, I was too scared to grow the relationships. I was too timid to manage the ladies.
It was in my final year that I met Sharon. She was an Edo girl, slim and fair in complexion. She was quite a looker and sexy; though not tall, she had the most attractive body I had seen in a woman. Her backsides were jutted and round and she had this ducky kind of movement whenever she walked.
I was surprised that she stuck to me, even though she was a church girl and she was in the university Christian fellowship. We courted for over four months before I was bold enough one evening to initiate an intimate conversation. I was sitting beside her on my low bed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, she looked at me and smiled. It encouraged me to lean closer to her and kissed her on the lips and she responded.
When I started touching her body, as we kissed, she pulled back and shook her head, smiling at me. I tried to kiss her again and she accepted and I enjoyed the intimacy, my body was already on fire and I wanted to take the thing further than that but when I tried, she stopped me again and shook her head. For the first time, I had really kissed a willing girl and her body against mine set every part of me on fire.
When she departed, I took care of myself the usual way – I masturbated a lot – and I just took care of the raging fire in my loins the usual manner. I was tired of this method of sexual satisfaction but there was nothing I could do at that time. I was just too cowardly with women!
One night, about a week after the first kiss, she was in my apartment, studying, when it began to rain hard and the lightning and thunder were ferocious; I was already in bed and dozing off! I jumped in fright when I felt her jump into my bed and hugged me herself! She was afraid of thunderstorms! I laughed at her but my senses were already coming alive as her sultry body warmed up against mine.
As she snuggled up close to me and our arms were around each other, I could feel her breathing on my face. I lunged forward and met her lips and she responded well. We kissed and it was another passionate one. Sharon was a great kisser and I loved it that she had clean breath. My hands roamed her body and found the waistband of her panties.
I pushed my fingers through and tried to push it down but I felt her fingers on my shoulders, she was trying to break away from the kiss and our intimacy but I was too far gone to care. I pushed her over to lie on her back and before she could do anything, I climbed over her, my lips still locked against hers so firmly and ferociously!
I didn’t know why she laid back and allowed me to continue as I began to pull at her clothing but to my pleasant dismay, she didn’t push me away but only grunted in feeble protests into my mouth as we kissed on, When I tried to remove her dress, I realized that it was tight on her and I almost tore off it off.
Sharon looked at me and giggled as she saw me struggling to get her out of the dress.
“Wait! Let me help you.” She whispered.
She sat up with me still holding onto her midriff possessively, afraid that she might decide not to proceed further with our intimacy. I was surprised when she helped herself out of her dress and she pulled it down to her waist, leaving her breasts dangling uncovered before me.
I could see the huge appendages dancing before me in the semi-darkness of the room and I hurriedly bent to kiss them, burying my face into them. She sighed and giggled, when I struggled to choose which one to settle down with, I was already too excited to know what to do.
To be continued
Written by Big Mak
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