March 31, 2025

[Short Story] The Bright Student by Offworld Tales [Part 1] (18+)

Home » [Short Story] The Bright Student by Offworld Tales [Part 1] (18+)

[Short Story] The Bright Student by Offworld Tales [Part 1] (18+)

Thomas was the new hire at Saint Morgan’s College, Lagos, on the island. It was a well-known popular high school that also had classes with it. Employed as the new maths teacher was a great privilege and one that could get him connections if he played his cards right. 28  with a few years of teaching experience, he was struck with luck when a longtime friend of his connected him to the school and helped land him the job, to which he was grateful for.

The pay was mighty good and the students were not giving him any trouble either, as they loved him and the way he taught them math- he was assigned to teach all through SS1 to SS3 until he was assigned to only handle the exam class; SS3, in preparation for the upcoming WAEC. The students he was a class teacher for were academically sound, especially Abimbola, a 20-year-old girl in his class, who by some reason looked real mature for her age.

Abimbola was a case, first, you’d ask, why was a 20-year-old still in high school, was she that dumb? But on the contrary, she wasn’t… in fact, she was an extremely brilliant girl. Not only was she smart, but she had a great body on her, big tits that bounced when she walked and an ass that would make a priest sin, let’s not forget she also had a sexy curve about her; even though she had a slim build, but she was fire… but she was a student.

Abimbola by all standards, should’ve been in a tertiary institution, but then several factors kept her grounded – you see, she was just in SS1, doing exceedingly well, until a drama unfolded which brought her into the crosshairs of another student, Farah. Said student, an SS3 girl called her out publicly one certain day and accused her of sleeping with her boyfriend, Ahmed, who unbeknownst to many was the Math teacher, who was also the heart-throb of many girls in the school.

Although she couldn’t prove it, but certain actions from Ahmed made it seem like it was a fact, starting with him having her cell number to them spending time together, but then, with a body like that on Abimbola, who would ignore her.

Ahmed first came as a corner before being retained as permanent staff and by then, she was in SS1 and 16 years of age. Meeting with Ahmed brought her out of her shell and taught her how to embrace herself for whom she was, the talks he gave her made her draw closer to him and along the line develop a crush on him.

Abimbola was shy and really cautious about her body, even at that time hid her features with big sweaters cause she felt she was ugly and having someone to confide in really made her develop confidence in herself, but then her friendship with Ahmed also introduced her to certain things. You see, with the advent of mobile devices, one could browse through adult stuff without restrictions and since she was a well-behaved child at home, her parents didn’t check her internet time.

With crushes, came fantasies and with that, came exploration, when she accidentally stumbled upon an X-rated video on Ahmed’s phone when she was checking it. Memorizing the link was easy and thus, her sex journey began as she mostly, whenever she could, watched porn on the web. At first, it seemed weird as she saw the man put his large penis into the vagina of the voluptuous woman, who seemed to enjoy it when he thrusts deep into her.

In due time, she began to find out that when she touched herself like the women she saw in several pornographic scenes, it excites her, especially when she sucked her large breasts. Soon after, she began fantasizing about Ahmed screwing her like the women in the videos; bending her over and giving it to her hard and most times, she riding him like a horse.

But then, telling him was going to be a problem, since he may not feel the same way as her, but then she had to try. And that she did, on a certain day, when they were sitting together during break at the computer science lab, where she kissed him- brief and lacking in experience. But Ahmed, wasn’t pleased, as he gave her a surprised look.

“What was that all about? Do you want to put me in trouble?” he said, as he quickly looked around to see if anyone saw that.

“Sir, I just.. I wanted to…” Abimbola began, stuttering as she searched for the words to say.

“Wanted to what, put me into trouble?” He retorted, not sounding pleased about what just happened.

“I… I wanted to say I love you and I want you to be my boyfriend.” She finally said, her heart beating fast as she waited for his response.

“No… just stop, you’re young, naïve and still a virgin, which is a good thing. You should expunge such thoughts from my mind. I’m your teacher and it’s inappropriate to do such with a student. So, please stop.” He said as he stood up to leave, unbeknownst to them that Farah was watching.

Later that day, Farah got physical with Abimbola accusing her of trying to snatch her man, which brought them to the attention of teachers who took them to the Principal’s office. Both parents were called and it was there that this “boyfriend” was no other than Ahmed, which forced him to resign and have both girls suspended.

It was also there that Farah vowed to do something bad to her once she returned, a threat that caused Abimbola to get frightened and abscond for school for a while after the suspension. Even then, her father, a very stern man wouldn’t change her school, since he wanted her to learn a lesson and face the consequences of her actions.

Even after Farah graduated, Abimbola still absconded from school until her father grounded her temporarily from leaving the house until she got some sense and by then she was 19 years and already spoilt by too much porn.

She wasn’t wayward, which struck as odd, but when at that age, she experienced her first sexual experience with a boy who crushed heavily on her in the estate where they lived after much “wooing”. Aside from losing her virginity, it wasn’t fun either as the guy was too inexperienced to blow her mind, but then her plan on losing her virginity was the main goal, which meant she could now pleasure herself properly with the dildo she purchased.

It was a big one, black, far and ripped, that made her pussy tingle each time you shoved it in while watching her favourite porn category, which was schoolgirl and teacher and by damn, it was also her favourite fantasy as she thought of Ahmed, even when she would never see him again fucking her silly as she drove in the dildo in and out of her soaking pussy; in time she learnt a new trick of tightening her pussy muscles so much that made it sweeter and harder to drive in vigorously as she creamed all over it.

Most times she stuck it on the toilet seat cover, riding it until she came so hard her body shivered like a leaf.

The pleasure was great, but so was her future if she let it crumble cause of fear, and if life had taught her anything, it’s that people can lie and give empty threats. She was no longer a kid and staying home while life passed her by over something that mostly wouldn’t happen wasn’t exactly a smart idea.

And thus, she spoke to her Dad, who immediately spoke to the Principal to have her reinstated from where she stopped, which was SS1. It might be shameful, but she was prepared to get her life back on track and that she did, until she met their new math teacher, Thomas, a corper when she was finally in SS3. Seeing him sent butterflies in her belly and as previously with Ahmed, she fantasized about him, bending her over his desk and fucking her – at a point she even got distracted while in class as she envisioned him, lifting her up and easing his dick into her pussy after shifting her panties aside to bounce her up and down on his sugar stick, which she was dreaming heavily on.

Her obsession got so much she even got bold enough to leaving love notes in her assignment book for him to see, but like before, she got no response back. But then, as the saying went, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again, and that she did, devising a plan to get his attention and maybe, just maybe, fill up her pussy with that dick of his.

Now, Thomas, who was preparing to write a professional exam, needed extra cash to do so and cause of it, informed his students that he was available for home tutoring if they wanted, to which many agreed to. You see Thomas was a good looking chap and the girls, well most of them anyways, crushed on him heavily, but then, he also knew that fraternizing with a student was bad for his reputation and business and thus, kept his distance.

But Abimbola, apparently didn’t get the memo, as she was all over him, even getting the name teacher’s pet from her fellow classmates- and since she was the smartest, the other teachers paid no heed to her, except Thomas. She was smart, no doubt, but she was also crafty, leaving love notes in her assignment when she submitted it and at one time when she was passing him by in a tight corner, purposely brushed past him, “slowly” with her plump ass and smiling in return when he caught her eye.

Thomas couldn’t react or he’d surely be the bad guy here and thus, he let it slide and only shook his head in response. It wasn’t until later that he started noticing she was suddenly dropping in her math scores, like fast, from a 100℅ down to a 70℅, which also concerned her parents and Principal when he was told of it.

This development wasn’t good for him and to remedy it, he was now tasked to privately tutor her, both in class and at home, to which he had to agree, since his job was now on the line, but of course, it came with remunerations, so it was fine. But then, how the smartest girl was suddenly failing his class still bothered him as he prepared to tutor her after class that day.

After class, both student and teacher stayed behind going through math courses, which wasn’t making any progress confusing Thomas all the more. What could be causing this bright student to suddenly become less bright in such short notice, even the simplest problem proved too difficult for her and at this point, he was already frustrated.

Without a feasible plan, he throws himself onto his chair, staring at the ceiling at what could’ve been the reason why this bright student would suddenly become so dumb a simple math problem would be an issue to be solved. His thoughts travelled far, and it wasn’t until he felt a touch that he came back to reality; it was his student Abimbola, trying to get him to wake up.

“What did she want this time?” he thought as he stared at that pretty face of hers.

“Yes? What is it?” he asked gruffly at her.

“Sir… I… never mind..” she said, stopping herself to go back to her seat.

“Spill it… what is the issue?” he demanded, stopping her in her tracks.

“Well… Sir, I just wanted to apologize… for what I did.” She began, speaking nervously whilst looking about herself.

“Apologize? For what you did?” Thomas asked, now curious to what she was referring to.

“I’ve been a very bad student. I purposely failed your classes and now you’re paying the price for it.”

Thomas sat silent, his mouth hung open in shock as he took a minute to process all she just said.

Written by Offworld Tales

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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