Namisa blushed and quietly reached for my hand under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I’m sure you know how we met sir,” I said. “I didn’t realize she was your daughter until she told me. I must admit, I’m a bit… surprised, knowing she’s your daughter. But I’ll be honest. I find Namisa smart, attractive, and funny. She’s caught my attention. I’d like to spend more time with her and see where things go sir.”
Gen Baju let out a deep sigh. “I appreciate your honesty, and I’ll be honest in return. I trust you, based on what I’ve seen. You don’t seem like a threat to my daughter. But please know, considering she was badly hurt by someone we both trusted, please understand when I say I won’t take it lightly if I find out you’re not sincere in your intentions.”
“I understand sir.” I swallowed hard and tried to look confident.
He stood and offered his hand. “I think you will be very good for Namisa, Mofe. I can call you Mofe right?”
“Yes sir,” I answered.
We returned to the sitting room. She sat next to me, holding my hand, smiling. I found out Namisa’s mother had died some years ago from cancer.
I told them about my family. My dad’s late and my mum’s retired. She’s down with arthritis and I have been taking care of her since.
“It warms my heart to see how well you take care of your mother,” General Baju remarked. “Many people your age would simply put her in an old people’s home and move on. My own mother lived in this house until she passed away.”
“I’ve always believed family comes first,” I explained. “Money doesn’t matter if you don’t have family to share it with.”
General Baju nodded with a look of impression.
The remainder of the evening passed as we chatted.
General Baju stood up, hugged Namisa, and kissed her cheek. “I’m going to bed.”
“Goodnight Daddy,” Namisa said, returning the hug.
“Goodnight, sir,” I responded. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“Behave yourselves,” he winked at me before leaving.
I sat on the couch, sighing, and Namisa beamed as she sat beside me. “I think my dad likes you,” she said excitedly.
“I hope so. Can I ask something personal ” I said.
She already knew. My expression when her father mentioned their betrayal was clear. She noticed.
“He’s my ex-fiancé, Aliyu,” she sighed, leaning onto my shoulder. “I was deeply in love with him. He seemed kind, and caring, and I thought he was perfect. Until he wasn’t.”
She sighed, then continued, “I didn’t know he was an addict. Drugs, alcohol, sex, he hid it all from me for much longer than I thought possible. The night you came to help me, I’d been trying to reach him all day, but the girl he was with had turned off his phone. So, when I walked into his apartment and found him with her… naked…”
Namisa paused for a moment. “He snapped. When he discovered that she had turned off his phone, he became angry and started attacking her. Even though I was angry with her, I didn’t think she deserved that, so I tried to intervene. But then he turned his anger towards me. While she ran away, scared for her life, I became the target of his anger.”
“How is it your father didn’t…?” I asked.
“His family promised to cover everything, and they also cut off Aliyu, so my father wouldn’t harm him,” Namisa said.
“I’m sorry, Nams,” I said. “I’m amazed you can even consider trusting me after all that.”
“It hasn’t been easy,” she admitted. “But you didn’t know me when you helped me. You could’ve done a half-hazard job, but you didn’t. I’m sure you gave it your all.”
“I have one rule when it comes to my work,” I said. “If it’s not good enough for family, it’s not good enough. Money was never the issue. The offer was unexpected, but it didn’t affect my decision. If I couldn’t help you, I would have left. I have a good life and earn well, but I come from humble beginnings so money doesn’t determine my happiness.”
Looking at the grandfather clock in the corner, I saw it was almost midnight. “As lovely as tonight has been, I have surgery in the morning. I should leave now.”
Namisa nodded. “I understand. Will I see you again?”
“I’d think about it.” I grinned.
Namisa escorted me to the door. “The driver will take you home,” she said, giving me a gentle hug and a soft kiss on the lips. “Goodnight, Mofe.”
We texted and called each other all week and planned our next date for Saturday. We spent the day at the park. We shared stories from our childhoods and talked about family and friends. Namisa’s bodyguards were discreet, but I occasionally noticed them. Namisa ignored them, but it made me hold back a bit on PDA.
“What’s wrong?” Namisa asked.
“We are being watched.” I lamented. “I’m sure they’d report back to your dad. It’s a bit of a buzz kill.”
Namisa laughed. “They’re just here to keep me safe. They don’t report to my dad anymore. Once they had to deal with things like underwear shopping, buying batteries, he only cares about anything that could be a threat.”
“So they won’t tell him I smooched you?” I asked.
“Well, you haven’t, so they have nothing to report.” She giggled.
“Yeah, well… wait, batteries?” I asked. “Why would your dad care if you bought batteries?”
“Because they were for my vibrator.” She chuckled.
“Oh…” I blushed. Surprised as I was, I liked the image I was seeing in my head.
“Most women say they don’t masturbate,” I said
“Most women are lying.” She grinned. “You’d be surprised.”
“I already am.” I smiled.
Namisa rolled over, partially lying on my chest, and peered into my eyes. “I wonder what’s going on in your head right now,” she chuckled.
I blushed even deeper. “You don’t want to know.”
She poked a finger into my chest. “Maybe I’ll show you if you tell me.”
Namisa rested her head on my chest and ran her fingers over my shirt. Then she kissed me and it was full of passion. After a few minutes, we stopped, and I was left feeling dazed.
“That was nice.” She smiled, kissing me again quickly.
“Very.” I panted.
“I’m starting to suspect your intentions.” She giggled.
“You should my dear,” I admitted. “You’re irresistible.”
“Of course I am.” She said chuckling.
After more kissing, we packed up and I drove her home. I realized Namisa was the best thing in my life. I looked forward to our time together and wanted more. I was pretty sure she felt the same way too.
Written by Sixtie 9ine
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