Hello Earthlings,
Well, I was surfing around the internet and found this story, so I’m sharing it with all of you, I have the writer’s permission
Enjoy! and share!
Long time ago, in far away land, A great king came up with the one of the most ingenious plan ever conceived by man, he summoned the brightest mind in all of the land of Latium. After eating and drinking, the king stood up to address the creme de’la creme of construction, strategy and motivational speakers. The king sold his idea to his recently set up committee. Everyone liked the idea and got on board!
The king aspired to build a new city, a city like no other, a city that would as greater than Olympus. Weeks turned into months, and months turned in years, as the great king and his committee put up their formidable plan for the city, all the structures were agreed on, the market place, the palace, the living quarters, the road, the irrigation system, everything was put into plan.
The king’s idea was to create sentence of inspirations for generations yet unborn, a phrase to make people strive harder, to make them better themselves, a sentence that could drive development everywhere in the world, on the barren land Rome, the king was going to build a city in a day.
The Great King’s plans spread across the lands, to even far away lands, the King who was raised by female wolves, the fearless and kind King.
Unknown to the king, an owl was seated at the window and heard all the king told his committee about his bright idea. The bird flew away after the meeting, high into the sky towards Olympus and transformed into Zeus.
Italy was planning to build a huge city as bigger than Olympus?
The King contacted the houses of all gladiators, requesting them through the senate, they were all ordered to bring their gladiator slaves to help with the construction. He called on all and sundry to help.
Everything seem set, the king lost sleep as he couldn’t wait for the next day to actualise his plans, he could envisage the new city, he planned a new palace in the new city. The day is upon us, he thought to himself
His name will be echoed from generations to generations…He sighed joyfully.
It was the breaking of dawn, the King was first at the construction site with his entourage. Work began in earnest, the whole of Italy gathered in one place, everyone knowing their duty as well as doing them promptly. The labourers had all arrived; the materials for the construction had arrived.
The pillars were erected, the gladiators helped with the large pillars, moving them into the ground correctly places them as instructed by the chief engineer. The architecture of the city was pillars, holding fort, everything was built on them with gutters underneath the city.
The king went back to his palace for dinner, from his dining area at the top of the place, he could see everything taking shape. It was an hour left before midnight, he wanted to be there when it was 12 midnight.
This would definitely ensure his place in history. The king asked his carriage to be prepared to have a final look at his place in history. Rome was built in a day, he said to himself, this statement will echo through history, he reassured himself.
The bird flew down from the Mount Olympus and transformed into the King, walked up to the engineer and asked that the pillars be moved towards each other. Everyone tried to talk the king out of it, they made a plea to him that everything been done has been approved by him. No one dared disobeyed the king, they took heed to his words.
The pillar was been moved carefully but not enough as the pillar crashed into another pillar, and the whole city fell like domino, it all crashed to the ground.
The real king arrived and fell into tears as his dreams vanished before his eyes, tears flowed from his eyes freely. He would never be able to inspire the world.
The King thought he would inspire the whole world with a stone at the gate of the city that says “Rome was built in a day.” but it all fell down a few minutes before midnight.
The fake King walked towards the King, transformed into Zeus, and moved closely and whispered to the King, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.
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