This is where we give it up for Instagram for allowing us take in all of these sexiness all over the world. Ladies & Gentlemen, it's Roman Goddess!
If you’ve never heard of her, then it is too late. Just kidding, it’s never too late but she is one of the queens of Instagram worldwide, with each picture with thousands of likes, she’s got hundreds of thousands of fans on her page.
We’re thankful to Instagram for introducing us to these luscious models so we can feast our eyes.
This gorgeous lady is the definition of supremely loaded, she’s got huge boobs and also large behind with a tiny waist in between the both of them. Even the boobilicious Cossy Orjiakor said this humour filled comment about her,
“She carry front, she carry back, she get pass me o”
When we see people like this, we’re inclined to think that they’ve got through medical procedure but when she was asked in an interview with Potpourri, she replied trying to dissolve the distasteful rumour with
“Do you think I have time to spend money on surgery,” She continued, saying
“My boobs are very real. I don’t need to convince you or anybody but I can tell you they are real. I was born this way and I will remain this way”
Recently, she tied the knot recently with her husband, Erling Carlos where she walked her voluptuous asset down the aisle, after she got engaged to him in Dubai in July 2017.
You can follow her on Instagram, RomanGoddess1
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