Hi guys, I would like to apologise for how the blog has been for about a week now. So, here is the full gist, so it can help you understand what is going on.
For a couple of months now, for those who follow me on twitter, I have always been updating them on why the site goes down often due to exhaustion of bandwidth.
Each time this happens, what we do is to extend it further more but because we are sharing resources, there is only so much that we can extend to, other websites need the resources that we have been gulping up. Early last week, we got an eviction notice that the site has grown too big for the shared platform, we are moving to our own space, a VPS for that matter. For the layman, it means moving from a one-room self contain to a 3 bedroom apartment, it is spacious but also very expensive compared to the previous accommodation but anything for you guys.
So now, we will have 2 domains from now on, deolububble.com and oniranu.com.
That’s what we’ve been trying to do, hopefully before the end of the week, everything will come to an end and it will become stable, no more errors. So, now that you’re all caught up. Lets move on.
Sometime ago, I saw this topic trending on twitter, and people have different opinion. Since I have a blog, I decided to share my opinion on here with you all.
I do not see a big deal in it, infact if I can afford such, I will do just that. Due to my upbringing where it was practiced, it was okay. It didn’t mean that my parents broke up, in fact they were married for more than 40 years till my dad passed, a few years ago.
Like fingerprints, no two marriages are identical, while this might sound like a disaster for some marriages, this might be the saving grace for others. You only need to ask married people if they feel like seeing their spouse 24/7. There are some times that they just wanna be by themselves and reflect alone, this happens more times than you think.
It isn’t always as people feel it is, I aint married but I don’t need to be to understand this because I am constantly surrounded by married people. How the rooms are used also matters a lot, from my own example, it was almost like 2 people with different rooms, my dad’s stuff was always in his room while mum’s stuff was in hers. Most times they share the same bed especially when my dad was around because he travelled a lot back in the day.
One reason for separate beds might be due to sleeping patterns, for instance the husband might be a big snorer, he might snore and it sounds like there is a train behind the house and the wife might be duvet hugger, doesn’t like to share with anyone, or she might just hate snoring so much, maybe she cant sleep until everywhere is quiet.
There will be no point making her night miserable all because her husband snores a lot, there is also getting help for the snoring problem. The woman can also get help for been a duvet hugger. Another consideration might also be that the spouse likes been on the bed alone to have a good night rest, another body beside him or her might distract each other’s sleep.
Hey, don’t make that face while reading this, sleeping in separate beds is actually healthier than you think and the sex is still as awesome.
I also think another point of view is the ability to have to relive a bit of your former life i.e your single life, it might be the safe place for you to think, clear your head or cool off after a fight, you can simply be yourself there because it might be exhausting having someone else in your face all day long, I should think they’ll tell you about that in marriage counselling. For a guy, this becomes his man-cave, can I get an Amen?
Man caves are absolutely unequivocally awesome, it’s the room in the house that is totally yours. It is the one room in the house that is all you, you can do as you please or as much as your madam approves LOL.
It is where you can be yourself, if you wanna be useless and lazy, that’s your location, you wanna watch the shows your madam hates or cant stand, your man cave is the location, you wanna watch the football game with the boys, that’s the best location, you wanna play your drum sets, dude, that’s the place. The new FIFA/PES? That’s the location, it’s the hottest place for the perfect gentleman.
I need to have a serious conversation with my madam, I gotta be able to have my man-cave, it has to be essential to our marriage, after changing so much for her, I should be able to be myself somewhere, the absolute kicker there is that, as per bro code, your lady/madam isn’t allowed into your man cave.
((((BOOM)))) She can’t come in! Isn’t this the best part of the deal?
Okay, that’s it with all the excitement, lets get back to why we’re here. Couples living in separate bedrooms. In times past, it is seen as a affluence thing, like if only you can afford it but with current economic situations, it’s difficult.
Like I said earlier on, no 2 marriages are identical, if your marriage can function better with separate beds, I think that’s what you should do, some others might not need that. For me, if I can afford it, I would love to do that… with my madam’s approval of course.
These things are perfectly normal, with good understanding, people can learn to live with each other, it is even more common than you think. It’s like having a cool flatmate, but this time around you can shag the flatmate while having your kids run around.
Research shows that people sleep much better when they sleep alone. If you can stand that, another solution can be BIGGER BED!, if your spouse doesn’t want separate beds, he/she should put up more money so you can get a bigger bed, better still, a kingsize bed. You can roll around all you want for those people who space is their issue.
So, tell me what’s your take on this? Would you like to have separate beds in your marriage if you can?
Enjoy the rest of your week.
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