Do you find it strange that guys who are in relationships still masturbate? Well, it's not as strange as you think. These guys offer their own reasons.
Masturbation is very addictive, free information for you in case you don’t know. Guys jerk off for a variety of reasons, which can include boredom, to get prepared for sex, when babe isn’t around, she loves to watch you do it, there is recession in your sex life, you don’t get it as much as you used to.
Some people might be wondering how it is possible that you jerk off to get prepared for sex. It’s simple and easy, the logic is sound. If know anything about sex, you’ll realise that sex the first time that day will always be faster, the orgasm is just there waiting for you to thrust for a couple of times then boom! You’ve just disappointed yourself. To guide against this, jerk off first before you begin the actual sex, the second orgasm takes longer to come than the first one. Thank me later.
Jerking off might not be a big ideal, some partners do it in each other’s presence, while others don’t mind if he does it. The guy just has to make sure it doesn’t interfere in their love life.
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Because people do these things for different reasons, we have decided to speak guys and get why masturbation is a thing, either being in a relationship or not, as compiled by Scott Muska, Women’s Health.
1. Jerking off can make a man better in bed
Like we said earlier, the chance to beat one off before the real sex happens is the opportunity of a lifetime to last as long as she needs you. “I think masturbation helps make me a better lover, which is one reason I still do it even when I have a girlfriend. If I don’t have an orgasm for a few days, I’m pretty sensitive and come quickly. Usually too quickly. Making sure I’m coming regularly helps me not ejaculate prematurely whenever it counts.” —Ned Y
2. When I’m out of town
Seems reasonable, instead of going out to cheat on your partner, how about just tugging on it yourself till you release? “I travel a lot for work—sometimes for at least a week or even longer. I’m not going to go without some sort of release while I’m on the road, so I masturbate. I masturbate at home though, too, because I think it’s good for me to get that release. My wife and I have been together for eight years and married for five. We’re not going to have sex every day, but I like to get off every day or every other day.” —Greg I.
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3. Just a nasty habit of mine
Remember how we said earlier on that, it’s quite addictive. Here is a true life story to back that. “I’m not masturbating because my girlfriend isn’t enough for me sexually or anything like that. It’s just something I do. It’s something I’ve always done. I don’t even give it a second thought. It feels good and it relieves tension. That’s all I have to say about it, really.” —Sam B.
4. It’s our thing
Some couples enjoy these sort of things, so they love to watch each other masturbate while they watch. It’s kind of hot. “My girlfriend and I actually masturbate in front of each other sometimes. She’s more into it than me, I think, because she was the one who initiated it the first time, but it’s really hot. If you haven’t tried it, you should.” —Terry D.
5. Honestly, It’s a stress reliever
With release comes easing in the body tension, so beating one off might help relax better. “My girlfriend isn’t just in my life to have sex with anytime I feel like getting off, but I also don’t feel guilty about getting off when it’s a solo thing.” —Jason D.
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6. We don’t have sex like that anymore
Well, what is a guy to do when there isn’t sex from the girlfriend anymore? You take care of yourself. “My fiancé is pregnant, and we’re not having sex as much as we were before that happened. It’s not like we’re never doing it , but it’s just less. I think that’s normal. So sometimes I masturbate.” —Ken A.
7. I just love it
Honestly, what’s not to like? The sensation of the release is so cool, why it’s difficult not to like it. “So, within reason, I can whack off pretty much whenever I want to. It generally doesn’t take very long at all. It’s easy, it’s fun, and it feels good. Don’t get me wrong, I’d always rather hook up with my girlfriend, but that’s not always something she wants to do.” —Conner B.
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8. Not much to do
What do you do when there is plenty time with nothing to do, how about your favorite pastime habit, “To be honest, I beat off to alleviate boredom sometimes. This happens whether I’m single or not.” —Benjamin H.
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