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No Need To Take Off, Settle Down! What to do if his penis is too big


Not every lady is lucky to have the right penis for her lady parts, the rest have to deal with either small or large. Here is how to deal with large.

This is a genuine problem especially in our side of the world. There are tales of girls hugging the burglary tight when they see their partner’s junk because of the enormous size. Ladies don’t like small penis also into this category of not admired or needed is an oversize tool.

A lady’s ideal partner’s penis is one that isn’t too small also not too big, just right. That’s the description, a penis that just fits right. Not everyone will be lucky enough to have a partner that possess this in between his legs. His penis and your vagina might not always match up perfectly. We checked in with gynecologist Lauren Streicher, M.D., author of Sex Rx: Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever. There is a school of thought that believes after a while the vagina gets accustomed to the large member.

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There is however some good news if you’re in this predicament, most vaginas can take all shapes and sizes of penises. “Given appropriate arousal and lubrication, most vaginas can expand to fit whatever size penis,” says Streicher.


The problem of not being able to take large penises shouldn’t be there for ladies who are in their twenties and thirties. “It becomes more common as you get older, though, because the likelihood of your having medical or hormonal issues increases,” she says. 

In case you don’t fall into that category, there might be an exception, “Sometimes, it can seem like a penis is too big for a woman’s vagina. And if that’s the case, the important thing is that you need to figure out why it’s happening—because it can be solved,” says Streicher.

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To go further into this, to find out why his tool seems too big for your vagina, there are a few reasons why this might happen, lets analyse this with Annie Daly, Women’s Health

First, it could be a case of the lady not being turned on well. Really. “If a woman is not aroused, it’s very possible that a penis may not go in,” says Streicher. This could lead to bleeding and even a tear. To forestall this, go for some serious foreplay before he penetrates you, so you are thoroughly wet before he puts in his monster penis into you. Or you can also use lubricants to easy the entry.


Second reason could be that the vagina is dehydrated and some ladies might not even realize this. “Many low-dose birth control pills cause vaginal dryness, as well as antihistamines and even cancer treatments, like radiation,” says Streicher. This might happen despite how much foreplay your partner is doing, you need to see a doctor or a gynecologist about this, it could be some drugs like contraceptives that are messing with your vagina.

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The good news is that it’s a situation that can be remedied as long as you’re ready to do what it takes. “I have not once seen a patient who hasn’t been able to successfully have intercourse after taking the proper steps to fix the problem,” says Streicher.

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