Guys, it's a new year, we have to do better. Listen to your partner and be a better lover, these tips should her you better.
Happy new year to you! Hope you enjoyed the holidays with your family and friends. As you know, I’m here for the usual sex and bedroom talk. Please leave behind selfish bedroom behavior and embrace mutually beneficial activities in the new year.
To make the new year good for you and your lover, here are five tips for a better year for you sexually according to Zeynep Yenisey.
1. Give her more head
Guys, I know we love to have our dicks sucked, who doesn’t like. They probably don’t because they’ve not gotten a really good one, the ones he encountered are just mediocre with a lot of teeth. Now, imagine how the lady will feel when she just received a terrific head. Women have different types of orgasm, clitoral orgasm and vaginal orgasm, if she doesn’t get vaginal orgasm, you may have better luck with the clitoral orgasm through blowjob.
Kings, if you don’t know how to give a woman head, please go and listen, its 2018.
2. Be open to new things
Many people are afraid to be open, it’s a new year, try as much as possible to be open for your partner. It could be anything, from trying out new sex positions, try some BDSM, it doesn’t have to be the extreme one, it can be baby steps as you learn. As they say, variety is the spice of life. If you’ve never tried role-playing, you should. Maybe you can have her play someone you have had a crush on before. The watchword is be open to new adventures, who knows you may enjoy it.
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3. More foreplay
A lot of guys never spend time on foreplay, they just do it for a while then dive into penetration sex. Foreplay is really something you should do more in 2018. When it is done right, it can be out of this world, for some people, it can be better than sex. Foreplays are full of teasing and being playful, builds to a big, robust and insanely delightful release during orgasm. Just try it, I won’t be there, you can feel it for yourself.
4. Listen more
One problem most guys have is that they barely listen in bed because of arousal and the need to get down which is becoming unforgivable. Guys, this year should be the year of listening more to what your lady wants and doing it. Let her be your navigator, tell you what is working and what isn’t. Dr. Nicole Prause, a principal investigator at Sexual Psychophysiology and Affective Neuroscience lab at the UCLA says “The best tip you’ll ever receive, and the fool proof way of getting better at sex is to listen to your partner and actually pay attention to what she says she wants.”
For instance, if she says don’t stop, then you don’t stop, goodluck with that if you’re about to orgasm. If she says, that feels good, then focus more of your energy on give her pleasure.
ALSO READ: 10 tips for an out-of-this-world blowjob experience
5. Learn to talk dirty
Some people find it weird talking dirty but you shouldn’t. Talking dirty is one way that you can use to spice up your sex life with your spouse. Not everyone likes to talk about sex, explaining what turns them on and all that, but that isn’t for everyone. In case you’re one of those in that school of thought, you may just want to have a rethink, we already said something try something new this year, you may love it.
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