March 9, 2025

Naughty! Naughty!! Here are things women think about while they masturbate

Naughty! Naughty!! Here are things women think about while they masturbate
Home » Naughty! Naughty!! Here are things women think about while they masturbate

Naughty! Naughty!! Here are things women think about while they masturbate

Here are things women think about while flipping the bean.

While touching yourself, memories and thoughts can help it get better. In a survey conducted recently, it was revealed what men and women think about.

Now, I understand that masturbation is a very touchy subject, pardon the pun. We usually don’t like to discuss because it is regarded as a sin. Trust the average religious Nigerian, anything that is a sin is to be distanced away from especially if said topic is discussed in the public sphere.

It’s fine if no one can see you partaking in it but to discuss it openly means you’re going to hell.

If you check through the comment section about any topic called sin, you’ll see the venom of people when we talk about these “sinful” acts. But let us move on.

Men and women pleasure each other for a variety of reasons, one of the weird reasons include boredom. The act of masturbation is a physical act but it thrives a lot better with what’s going on in the mind. Men and women both have things in common that they think about while self-pleasuring themselves, reports Brittany Smith, Cosmopolitan.


To find out more about that, one of the largest sex toy retailers in the world sponsored a study about it. The results are not so shocking as well. One of the findings that jump out at you is the percentage of men and women who participate in the act of ‘sacrilegious’ self-pleasure. 

According to the research that included 4,500 people, 59 per cent of men engage in masturbation while about 51% of women indulge in that as well. The difference between the male and female percentage isn’t entirely far off, just about 8 percent.

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Another discovery from this study is the effect of self-pleasure. About 69 per cent of women and 60 per cent of men say it makes them feel better, the feel good sensation is incredible, and lastly, it has a way of improving their sex lives, says 34 per cent of women and 20 per cent of men.

In terms of what goes on in the mind, around 69 per cent of men think of their current partner, while it is about 69 per cent for women. They think of their partner in scenarios or circumstances that are sexually in nature.

Around 58 per cent of men think about their former partner when during the self-pleasure session while only about 48 per cent of women do this. It may sound wrong, because the women, it’s almost half of the surveyed women while for men, it’s over the half way mark.


A relationship and sex expert, Tracey Cox had this to say “Fantasies allow monogamous couples to get all the pleasure of ‘new’ sex without the pain of broken hearts and relationship,” She explained in the Lovehoney’s press release. “Most people have the odd struggle balancing the pros of monogamy (history, soul mate connection, love, comfort, kids, support) with the cons (having to say no to temptation just because you’re in love doesn’t mean you don’t find others attractive),”

“A rich fantasy life can offer the solution to keeping everyone happy.” Cox adds

ALSO READ: 10 ways to take a naked man to cloud 9

So, this research puts into perspective that if your previous partner is very good at sex then while dating someone new, either man or woman would still think about their best sex while they’re masturbating.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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