Hello randy people, have you ever had sex in your parent's house? If No, we've got tops to help you achieve this.
Not everyone has these randy thoughts of having sex in the house where they grew up but some do and we’re not here to judge. We’re certainly here to encourage you, people have all sorts of fetishes, and if this is one of them that you’ve not done, we’re to help. If you have done it before, kindly leave hints for us at the comment section.
Some people think its offensive to have sex in the parent’s house when they’re around, your folks being around makes it riskier, nothing like your parents catching you pants down with your boy/girlfriend or spouse. So, it’s essential that everything is done well so it can go on smoothly. The thought that you can get caught makes it even more sensational, writes FHM.
In case you’re in the mood for risky filled sex adventure, you can think of public venues such as cinemas, car park or even the beach. Here are things you need to have in mind before starting.
1. Wear appropriate clothing
This can make or mar the entire thing, so for you and your partner sake, wear something loose fitting that can be accessible easily between your lower waists. This is just in case someone walks in on you and your partner getting down.
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2. Shut and lock the door
Depending on how much of an adrenaline junkie you’re, you might decide not to even lock the door, the risk of your parents walking in on you just makes it so much sweeter. For those who aren’t so crazy, please lock the door of wherever you and your partner are about to get it down. The embarrassment will be easier if the door is locked and you guys are shagging each other’s brains out compared to them calling out your name and you know they cannot barge in, giving you ample time to dress up.
3. Move to the floor
One good advantage of the ground is that no matter how hard you’re going at it, it won’t creak like a bed easily giving away what you’re doing. If you’re bothered about your rug burn, drag some pillows off the bed and place on the floor for support. By moving the entire thing to the floor, the only thing you need to worry about is how loud the sound is when your sex regions smashes against each other.
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4. Nothing extravagant
Having sex in your childhood home is one type of fetish that you have to experience. In so doing, it’s enough to be satisfactory. If you’ve got other fantasies that may be time consuming, it might be a good idea to shelf those plans. Concentrate on finishing this one without your parents finding out. No time for anything elaborate.
5. Keep the moans down
One thing that can easily give away what you’re both doing is the volume of the moans. You can try to muffle the sound into a pillow, or do the oldest trick in the book which is to increase the volume of the television. They will wonder why there is so much noise coming from the TV, and if they’re discerning, they will get it and just laugh it off. For you, mission has been accomplished.
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