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Lesbian Chronicles: Serviced by the boss


Mrs Abimbola was one woman I had idolised for years.

She owned one of the most successful modelling companies in Nigeria and I truly yearned to work for her. Not long after I finished NYSC, I came across a job ad for Personal Assistant in her company. I immediately applied, hoping fervently that this would be my chance. Fortunately it was.

I was invited over to her office where I was interviewed by her and two other men. My heart was beating erratically at the fact that I was really standing in her presence. I did the very best I could but all I truly wanted to do was give her a hug. She smiled kindly at me at the end of the interview and my heart warmed.

When I got a call a couple of weeks later for a second interview, I literally jumped for joy. I noticed the venue of the interview was different this time. It was a hotel I remembered was opposite her office. I wondered at the change of venue but I did not let that bother me much. There was no way in the world I would give up the opportunity.

I was directed to the room number and I nervously rubbed my sweaty palm against my dress before opening the door. I walked in to see Mrs Abimbola standing in the centre of the room, beside the bed.

“Come closer, don’t be shy,” she said, with that kind smile again. I was getting quite uncomfortable and worried at this point. She was the one who eventually came to stand close to me. She ran her fingertips through my hair, over my face, touching my eyelids, my nose, lips and chin, soft, gentle and caressing. I stood transfixed for a while and then sharply moved back, out of her reach.

“Kairat, what’s wrong?” she asked, concern in her voice.

“Mrs Abimbola… I …” I started to say then she interrupted me.

“Call me Bukola.” She said, coming to stand very close to me again. She took my hands in hers and said, “You are a very beautiful lady. I really would love for you to be my Assistant.”

Despite my confusion, I could not help but feel a twinge of pride and excitement at her words. I had the job I had dreamt of. Her hands came to rest on my hips and this time, I did not immediately pull back. I was starting to get the sense of what was going on and against my better judgement, my main priority was to make this woman happy.

Her hands went down my slim long neck, along my collarbones, over both shoulders and up and down my arms. I closed my eyes, knowing what was happening, yet feeling like I should distance myself from it.

Her hands came to rest on the swell of my breast where she ran her fingertips across my small mounds. She reached around to unzip my dress then pulled it down my shoulders, to my waist, and letting it fall to the ground. Her breath caught when my naked boobs stared at her. She ran her fingertips down my flat tummy towards the waistband of my panties.

She returned to my breasts where she began moving in little circles as she moved near and nearer to my nipples. She sighed as she took each nipple between her thumb and forefinger. I let out a yelp as she pinched and pulled them at the same time. She squeezed hard and the sharp pain quickly made way for intense pleasure. I writhed in her grip and she returned to careful caress again.

She brought her head towards my breasts and ran her tongue over my nipples. I shuddered with pleasure as the heat between my legs started to get unbearable. She sucked and licked until my hands came up to grip her shoulder. She groaned in satisfaction as it became obvious I now really wanted this. I could not believe how much closer I was getting to my idol.

Her hand went down and disappeared inside my panties where she played around at the entrance of my pussy. She slipped her forefinger in and my eyes opened and widened immediately. She moved gently in and out and I clamped my walls shut around her. She looked up at me, triumph in her eyes then leant in to kiss me.

I would never have imagined that a kiss from a woman would be so pleasurable. As she kissed me, she pushed me towards the bed. She knelt between my legs, spreading them apart and bent slowly towards my aching cunt. I let out another cry of pleasure as her tongue penetrated me. Her hand came up to tease my clit as she tongue-fucked me. In seconds, I was shuddering and cumming in her mouth.

Afterwards, she leant back up and kissed me again, causing me to taste my own juice. I wrapped my hands around her eagerly rubbing my body against her as I ached for more.

“You are so beautiful,” She said again as she pulled away from me. “I am sure I would enjoy working with you,” she was trailing wet kisses all over  my body as she said this.

I did not doubt that I would enjoy working for her too.

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