My neighbour is such a fine young man. I do not know how things developed between us, but it started slowly, and then, the pace moved so fast. Too fast for any of us to realize it. I was away on a trip when he rented his apartment.
So, I got to know the new neighbour through the other neighbours. They spoke about it on our WhatsApp group. I waited for him to join the group, but he never did. The other neighbours said he had not said more than a casual “hi” to the rest of them since he moved in. They were all curious, and so was I.
I continued to look forward to the day I would return home and meet this mysterious neighbour.
I was interested because the neighbour was a “he” and the rest were ladies. A couple of us are unmarried and one is divorced with kids. Maybe I could have asked one of the ladies for the picture of this new neighbour but I did not want to look desperate and since I would be returning home soon, there was not much of the need.
It was not as if they had mentioned that he was exceptionally handsome. What if I see him and get disappointed?
Two days later, I got back home. The whole building was quiet. Everybody had gone out. I quietly slipped into my apartment and was welcomed by dust. I needed to do some cleaning. I opened the windows and checked for my mop. It was nowhere to be found. One of my neighbours borrowed it before I left. I skipped to her apartment.
My mop was not outside and she was not home. So, I checked my other neighbours – all were not in. I pushed my luck a bit further and checked our new neighbour’s apartment. He did not seem to be home but there was a mop right there on his verandah. I picked it up and went to my apartment. After some minutes of mopping and dusting, my apartment was fit for a human to reside in once again.
I was all sweaty and satisfied. A part of me wanted to clean up and cook and then return the mop but I did not want to delay the return of the mop I borrowed without consent especially because I was yet to meet this person.
The better idea was to return the mop immediately. That turned out to be a wrong idea and I realized as soon as I approached his apartment. He was standing on his verandah looking confused as hell. Of course, he was there looking for his mop and when he turned around, he found a busty, short, sweaty lady frozen in a spot with his mop in her hand striking a “Poseidon with the trident-esque” pose.
His eyes never left me and I was forced to walk to him a bit ashamed. I handed the mop to him and told him I was sorry for taking it without his consent. He said no problems and collected his mop. We both turned away and I wished I could disappear to my place but I did not want it to seem like I was running away.
All of a sudden he asked if I was LILY. I froze again and turned around. I could not answer with my mouth this time. I just nodded my “Yes”. He said it was nice to meet me and disappeared for good.
I returned to my apartment and heaved a sigh of relief. I checked myself out in the mirror to see if I was looking as homeless as I thought earlier.
And yes, I was right. I looked homeless with scattered braids, sweaty face and chest, and half my cleavage out for any eyes to see. I had put on that top because I thought I was the only one at home. Well, it was not all that bad, at least I served him cleavage views.
Things like that excite guys. There was something about this guy that I could not shake. I had seen him before somewhere but I could not place his face and I am not one to forget where I met a cute face. The fact that he knew my name too made me believe we had met before.
Well, I gave up and went to fix myself a meal. The next couple of days, things went back to normal and I realized that the other neighbors had some rapport with our new neighbor. They went to him from time to time to borrow stuff and always asked for his help to do things.
He did his best, smiled, and returned to his abode. The only time I had seen him have a real discussion was when his friends visited him. He was more lively with them. I wanted to be his friend. One day, whilst borrowing stuff, I collected his contact too.
His WhatsApp was not what I expected. From time to time he posts memes and later the memes become X-rated memes. One day, he posted someone I knew and it struck me immediately – where I had met this guy before.
He is a friend of my former neighbour’s boyfriend. They had come to take her out one time and I even complimented his wears that day. I hurried and chat my former neighbour’s boyfriend. I did not have to talk much before he asked if I was enjoying the company of my new neighbour. I feigned ignorance and listened to him give me copious details about this guy.
Chrys was quiet, secretive, and minded his business. I loved what I was hearing. He is a boobs man. That was the information I heard and loved most because who is the well-boobed lady around? ME! I have these melons on my chest that nobody has feasted on in a while because I put myself into celibacy.
With his facial features and with his demeanour, he looks well like someone that I would love to end my celibate run with. The problem I have to contend with now is the fact that it was mentioned that he was quite proud and would not go after a lady unless he was sought. Even at that, he could still turn down a proposal.
What kind of guy was this guy? I was willing to risk it though but know I would be so pained if this goes sideways. I would probably have to save face by travelling for a couple of weeks, come back, and never talk to him again.
I started giving a series of subtle green lights hoping he would pick up from there. It rained heavily one day and I made a post saying those of us without partners would suffer tonight. He did not reply. I forwarded it to his DM, and he sent a smiling emoji and asked me to get a vibrator.
I sent a laughing emoji back but I was pained and a bit turned on too. Since then, I stepped back a little, and one time, he asked when my birthday would be. When I told him, he said he wanted to know so he could gift me a dildo and a vibrator for my birthday. I almost blurted out that his dick would suffice but, I did not want to be curved again and look like a desperate person.
I played along. Reacted to his X-rated posts on WhatsApp and one day, it led to us having an X-rated chat. We did not sex chat but we just discussed sex in general. It gave me newfound confidence to shoot another shot.
So, one Sunday. I was not going to church. I was in heat and out of the intoxication, I made a bold move.
I put my text in a picture and sent it to him as a view once. I sent a series of messages like “Want backshots?”, “want to fuck”, and “Want some sajhbijd?” for everyone I sent, he had ignorant questions to ask as if he does not know I meant for us to have sex. He finally asked me to come clean because he was confused.
For the last time, I put my texts in a pic and asked if we could fuck then I sent it as view once to erase evidence in case he turns me down. I went offline immediately dropped my phone and went offline to think again about what I had just done. When I returned to my WhatsApp, I got a “Yes, sure”. I was happy and we fixed to meet an hour later at his place.
It was late in the evening, the compound was deserted and I took a shy stroll to his place. I ensured to put on one of my more cleavage-revealing blouses and a mini skirt without panties beneath. I got in and he offered me a seat.
I was shy and it felt awkward being in his room for the first time and knowing what we were going to do later. He smiled at me and told me I looked shy. I smiled when he asked how I wanted things to start.
I simply told him I did not know and all cards were in his hands. He went inside and came out with “Truth or Dare” cards and asked us to play to help me loosen up. I was fine with it. Card after card and we started to do things and the room started getting steamy.
In the next 10 minutes, I stroked his dick, we kissed, he sucked my nipples, I gave his dick a boob massage and my blouse was already off. The game continued.
Written by Reezy Sama
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