Desperation and being loquacious are maybe the two major reasons why guys are unable to get free sex. You do not understand that right? Let me explain. When a guy is too desperate during the chase, he tends to lose value, and the female folk would just toy around with him trying to see how desperate he could get.
Being loquacious is the worst, it not only ruins the chances of the guy himself but also for other guys. Ladies can’t have their future ruined because we’ve had sex, therefore, we do not like to do it with tattle-tales that would blow trumpets after getting the pussy.
Once we get leaked after an encounter, we become wary of every other guy and start looking for similarities.
I am a Bi-sexual. The country I live in frowns upon same-gender sex and marriage therefore, I have no other chance than to stay in the closet and exhibit my straight personality more. Thank the good lord for the internet, I have been able to connect with other people who are closet lesbians or bisexuals like me and we have been able to always catch fun.
Working in a hotel/club also greatly improved my chances of getting a girl. From the strippers to the barmaids to even fellow receptionists like me, there’s always that one girl that’s not straight or fully straight.
We found time to do our things on a low. Either at our workplace or our homes on off days. Nobody needed to know. I have varieties of toys from dildos to vibrators to strap-ons at home for my and my girl’s pleasure. I am a butch.
Even though I have to always exhibit my feminine aspects to ward off suspicions, I don’t like that it brings many guys my way. I am very picky when it comes to guys because I know how wild I could get in the bedroom.
I don’t want someone that cannot match me or someone that won’t stop yapping after an encounter.
Being a receptionist meant I had to attend to customers, the majority are males coming to book a room for appointments which is none of my business. They would often flirt with me while securing a room to have sex with another lady. Is that not funny?
Maybe it’s because I’m a charmer or because they can never get over my cleavage, who knows? Our boss gave ladies a cleavage-bearing uniform, a very nice tactical idea. More guys come to our place to stare at cleavages even our fellow male workers sometimes spend part of their salary on female workers in the hotel.
When I started to notice two guys leaving the club, sitting at our reception for hours instead of the room they booked or the bar or the club, I knew these two were up to something, but, it’s not something new. We’ve had guys like that.
They prefer to stay in the reception area checking out the female receptionists, some bold ones would make passes and eventually hook up with one they like. I waited patiently to see these guys make their move on one of us, it’s always exciting to see guys ogling over ladies, now, I’m curious as to which of us it is.
One after the other, they made their moves at different times on different days, both of them, at me. Now, that’s a bit of a wrong move. I don’t do guys that much, I’ve had my fair share of dicks but, I have to really, really like you before we can get down.
Now, I’ve come to understand that these guys are friends as they always arrive at our hotel together, sometimes, they book a single room and sometimes different rooms. This means that whatever happens between me and one of these guys would be relayed to the other guy, isn’t it?
These guys want to have me in a three-way but went about it stupidly. I could agree to a three-way if they asked straight up and were willing to pay me. But, trying to play me into it, that’s not going to work! I hate when people try to play on my intelligence also, I only like one of these guys.
They both were tall, handsome, and muscular like Greek gods but one of them, let’s call him Phillip, was a big bragger and a talkative, and the other one, let’s call him Tokunbo.
Tokunbo was the better reserved of the duo but he was a bit desperate.
Now, these two fine men are after me but they individually share two of the traits that I especially hate in men. Day after day, Phillip was at my table giving me lectures on how big his manhood is and how good he was at using it. How many positions he would put me in before daybreak, how he would make my pussy sore, and how he would make sure I orgasm so hard I would sleep for hours.
All these lectures while he was booking a room to use for another girl. Tokunbo on the other hand would drop cash on my table and tell me there’s more to come if I can let him hit even if it’s just once.
It was so easy to evade their advances, I just listened to Phillip’s rants and disliked him more.
Take Tokunbo’s money off the table but I know I won’t be spreading my legs for him anytime soon. Let’s see how far he can go and how much I would be making from him by then. It was a sweet ride and I know I would eventually get fucked by Tokunbo but I knew he would tell his friend and his friend’s mouth is an open one.
To take that risk, I needed to at least get lots of freebies from Toks so If I eventually get leaked it would be justified.
Tokunbo was paying almost half of my salary and I still quoted him items that I needed. He bought and paid. When I saw he was about to start losing interest, I sent him pictures of sexy lingeries and told him I’d like to have them on when we got down. He quickly paid and started pestering me over when we would do the do. Now that Toks having a shot at my body has become inevitable, my only choice was to first test Toks and see my chances of getting leaked before I fully give in to him.
We picked a date and Tokunbo booked a room in the hotel I worked at. The plan was for me to excuse myself from work and have a quickie with Tokunbo. As a backup, I had one of my friends, a barmaid come get me from Tokunbo’s room if I wasn’t out in 6 minutes.
Tokunbo came alone and went up to the room waiting for me. I gave him some minutes before I joined him up there. The moment I walked in, Tokunbo closed the door behind me and wrapped his hands around me. This was going to be some serious six minutes.
Written by Reezy Sama
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