March 9, 2025

Kunle JJC: Greatest Vacation of All Time [S02E04] (18+)

Home » Kunle JJC: Greatest Vacation of All Time [S02E04] (18+)

Kunle JJC: Greatest Vacation of All Time [S02E04] (18+)

Nike’s jaw slammed the door when she saw who it was, making an entrance,
“What? How did he do it? What the hell is this?” Nike threw all questions her head could quickly register at her mother at once. Calm down, calm down, Hannah waved everyone down before they would bombard her with questions.

Before I start, everyone, get a full cup and a seat, Matt, get out of your clothes and get a full cup too, she ordered. Tonight, tonight is all about my handsome boy right here, my only nephew, the man God has used to bring me several sexual pleasure, satisfaction and orgasms, Cheers, to Kunle.

CHEERS!! they all said in unison.

I was the first to encounter his dick in this house and I’ve never for once regretted it, CHEERS, to Kunle Nike said raising her cup before drinking in unison with the rest of the house and taking a seat this time beside a naked Matt, Hannah smiled at the development.

Tonight is about my cousin Kunle who has on more than one occasion buried his dick in the deepest depths of my pussy, CHEERS! Precious said during her speech, and yeah CHEERS too to my Favorite person, Aunty Sharon who taught me how to use my body more Cheers, Auntie!

She said raising her cup once more before drinking more liquor. “I love you Auntie” she whispered before giving her a full kiss on the lips and taking her seat as the whole room looked on.

“Well, no cheers to the party boy o, I’ve not received salvation from you yet, you might get your cheers after the party and that is if I am satisfied with your work, Cheers to all of us bitches in this room and wait, who’s this guy?” Sharon asked gulping the rest of her drink on her way back to her seat.

Precious poured her some more as she sat, we’ll after I caught Nike masturbating with my lotion bottle, I knew my girl was already sexually active and I kept tabs on her.

So, when she came home late one day with a limp in her steps, I knew someone had fucked the hell out of her, I questioned her the next morning and after a lot of hesitation on her part and threats on my part, she told me what went down.

I tracked Matt down, he had no job and the Principal made sure he couldn’t get a job anywhere else, such a bitter human being. He had been on my payroll since then, greasing this pussy of mine making sure it doesn’t rust.

Everybody just looked at each other in bewilderment after the little Matt story from Hannah. Now, the man of the hour, the man that we’re celebrating, KUNLE! come up and give us a speech, everyone hooted as he staggered to his feet, he couldn’t stand still, he just kept swaying.
“I used to fuck my nanny, I love fucking my nanny, her pussy is very sweet and creamy and always very wet, want to go back home and fuck her silly,” Kunle said in his very slow and slurred speech.

“If I go home now, I will miss precious Very Very tight pussy and a big ass that I love to spank, I will miss my slim Nike, she’s very easy to lift and fuck in any position and she doesn’t get tired easily and… I would miss auntie Hannah pussy so much, penetration is always easy in all of her three holes, her cleavage tightens my cock so much I want to bust my nuts in seconds anytime I fuck her titties.

If I go home, I would miss all these three bitches…. He drank more as his dick continued to grow as the whole room giggled quietly watching how alcohol was making him pour out his mind. “

“I have fucked all of them, they love my dick and I love their pussies, they know I can fuck, but, Sharon doesn’t think so and I don’t blame her, she has not tasted this bad boy before so, before I leave here, I would love to fuck her very well and you too Mr Teacher, you let my Nike fail then you fuck her, then you fuck her mummy that is my aunt too, I can’t forgive you, I will fuck you too.

I swear, CHEERS to me” He said as he poured the rest of his drink all over his penis before she staggered back into his seat. The whole room was quiet, did he really mean to fuck Matt or was it just the alcohol that was pushing him?

No one had an answer and before they could quit their thoughts he bellowed again

“Sharon! Coman take this dick in your mouth, it is brandy flavoured”, he said spreading his laps apart. The whole room watched in silence as Sharon dropped on all fours and crawled majestically like a cat to where Kunle sat, he moved to the edge of the seat and he was suspended on air.

Sharon went under his shaft and swallowed his balls in her mouth while still on all fours, Kunle palms rested on the couch as his head found solitude in the backrest as Sharon ministered to his dick.

She kept gurgling a ball at a time the switch to swallowing both of them at once, she gave his shaft a long torturous lick from the base and stopped at the tip, she picked another side and gave it the lick too.

She continued to lick aside at a time enjoying the taste of brandy on the dick. She continued to avoid the tip of Kunle’s dick that now has transparent precum peeking out of it.

When she finally stopped licking at his shaft, it was all shiny with enough saliva and she had Kunle breathing like he just raced the anchor lap of a relay race. When she looked back, Nike was already jerking Matt off as Hannah had her lips covering the head of his dick.

Precious was alone fingering her asshole, she smiled and called her out,

“Precious Baby, you can join me here with the box of ice cream” a glad precious quickly grabbed the box and scooted over to Sharon and Kunle, she held the box in her hand and watched Sharon smear it all around Kunle’s dick when his meat was well covered in cream.

She took it all in her mouth in one swoop and had her face on his pubis, she held it there and didn’t come let up for a while, Precious opened her mouth in amazement as she saw Kunle’s dick print all in Sharon’s throat.

When Sharon eventually came up, Kunle’s dick was all bare, not even a single cream was seen on his dick, wow, Precious mouthed in awe. Want to try that? Sharon asked a surprised looking Precious who eagerly nodded yes.

Sharon plastered Kunle’s dick with cream once more and Precious took it in her mouth, she stopped some inches away from his crotch unable to take more, she wanted to come back up so quick but her head was held in place by Sharon.

“Relax baby, you can do it, slow down, breath slowly through your nose, let your throat open up and let that dick slide into your throat, you can do it bitch,” she urged on as she gently pushed the back of Precious head till her nose was and nose, eyes and entire face was nestled on his crotch.

She had both of her palms on Kunle’s thighs for support as Sharon still held her head in place. She swirled her tongue around his dick, relieving it of every bit of cream it had, Kunle had had just more than enough as his palms joined that of Sharon at the back of Precious head while he thrust his hips forward sliding deeper into her throat before firing semen into it.

Sharon was on hand to lick the semen that managed to escape from Precious’ mouth as she crashed to the floor after disentangling with Kunle. On the other side of the room, the party was in full swing already.

Hannah lay on the couch with a couple of ice cubes stuffed into her pussy, it was sooo cold and it gave her goosebumps as Matt’s face was buried in her pussy, feasting on it and helping the cubes melt in it.

Nike was laid on the floor in between Matt’s legs with his dick stirring her mouth, he was endowed down there but Kunle had the bigger pecker of the pair, after taking Kunle in her mouth, taking Matt’s dick in it was that much of a problem for her as she took it with little fuss. Matt relishing fucking Nike after all these years of fantasizing about fucking her, he had wanted to do this again but the chance had eluded him, now here it was and he grabbed it like gold.

Nike’s head rested on the couch lower board and in front of her was Matt’s crotch and dick that continued to slam into her face.

A mother and daughter threesome, he never for once in his wildest dream thought he’d have this opportunity, he fucked Nike’s mouth vigorously as he ate Hannah too. Hannah soon called for a change as she sat Matt on the couch before she sat on his face.

She held onto his head while he held her back for her support and he continued to eat her good. Nike took the opportunity and slid his glistening dick into her pussy, he groaned and she moaned at the penetration.

She gingerly bounced on his dick, loving as her pussy muscles grabbed his dick like they’ve really missed it.

Bouncing on the dick and grinding on it, she continually ended up on Hannah’s ass, she sat on the dick and started to ground harder while she pushed Hannah’s skirt up to her abdomen before parting her ass cheeks.

Written by Reezy Sama

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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