Threesomes can be a tricky experience but if you're nervous about it, here are true experience of people who have done it.
Threesomes aren’t for everybody and you don’t have to beat yourself up for it. It’s a matter of interest and it doesn’t pick your interest, it’s that simple but don’t slander or put down people who like it or don’t mind it.
If you think it’s a big deal, then you need to check the calendar again, its 2017. It’s more common than you realize.
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In case you’re considering participating in one, Amanda Chatel from YourTango asked a couple of people about this, and here some of the reactions.
1. The Second Time Is Not Always Better
“I had a threesome with a friend and a guy I was casually dating, and it was great! We had a lot of fun; there was zero jealousy (thank you, alcohol), and it was a very enjoyable experience. However, when we tried to go for a second round a couple months later, it was a disaster. Call it bad timing or an error in the line-up of the stars, but it made all of us realize sometimes you just shouldn’t repeat the past.” —Brigitte, 33
2. There Can Be Too Many Penises
“My old friend with benefits was super into male, male, female (MMF) threesomes, and I thought I would be, too. But every time he suggested one, I was like…nah, I’m good. On the other hand, I was always down for having a threesome with him and a girl—like the time his other friend with benefits came over randomly, and we all had sex.” —Anna, 29
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3. There Can Be Too Many Vaginas
“I lived my whole life thinking that a threesome would be the greatest thing ever. Two women to myself? Yes! But the one time I did it, I couldn’t get it up. It was too much pressure. The humiliation that followed killed all future threesome fantasies.” —M., 29
4. Communication Is Key
“The open communication people use [while] preparing for (and during) a threesome should extend to twosome sex encounters, because it’s really great. In my experience, everybody asks, ‘Is this OK?’ ‘Can I do this?’ ‘Do you want to ___ now?’ It ensures everyone is comfortable, plus, logistically, it keeps you from bumping into each other.” —A., 25
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5. The third wheel should be interested
“I was joining a couple who enjoyed inviting people to join into their sex. They were very warm people, I initially thought the boyfriend would stab me but turns out, he’s a nice guy. He would only participate in it orally, he loved to watch get it from the back. It was a beautiful experience” – S, 31
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