Hello everyone, we’re back from the break we gave ourselves, apparently we enjoyed the break more than we thought we would and decided to take the rest of the week off..looool
I know you will understand, blogging is fun but definitely not easy especially when we’ve promised to put up at least 2 posts a week, not easy work, but it’s alright. We love it.
Before I move on, the M.I and Terry G saga, I know its stale gist but it’s now I want to say my own :P.
I think Terry G took the issue too far, I mean the short black dude was only asking a very harmless question, why won’t Terry G see it as that, I mean has D’banj ever insulted anyone who asked the meaning of ‘The Koko’? Okay, let me just say it, am a big M.I fan #teamMI.
He needs to change his brand of weed and also think deep on issues before insulting my guy….loooool
Yea, am happy to tell you, we will be introducing a new category which will mainly be about photography, if you have something cool, you can send it to us, the only criteria is that the picture has to be creative and nicely taken ….you get my drift sha.
We will be starting off that segment this week, we’re just trying to discover the future award winning photographers amongst us, help our cause with your pictures.
In case you have these kinds of pictures, send it to [email protected], thank you!
Moving on, **clearing my throat**
I keep hearing all sorts on bbm;
Please send me credit, i cant get it where i am?
Please send me credit, my BIS is expiring.
My BB is bad and i need a new one, how much will you give me ?
Invoicing, I think it was folks in the corporate world that gave it that name due to how they ask for their payments, in this context, it means when a babe asks you for money or gift. Either one of the two or in the case of some greedy ones, the both of them.
So, in some quarters, when you hear guys say “That babe don dey give me invoice o”, it purely means the chic is asking for cash or anything in kind which could range from what you can afford to things you’ve only seen a few times either in the movie or in your dreams, let me help your imagination.
It could range from buying her airtime, an iPod, blackberry, laptop, iPad, a Porsche, a vacation at Aruba…the list is actually endless, her invoice depends highly on what category she places you, either the good guy: I would like to marry or the fun guy who I really like to hang out with but cant date or her sugar daddy (if I’m still allowed to use that word).
No one is new to invoicing, if you claim you’ve never been invoiced by a lady, then it means you’ve never bought anything for a lady which includes even buying her lunch or even water. There is absolutely no big deal about being invoiced, it’s just that we have to set the record straight about the invoice.
I have my own set of rules about invoicing, it will be easier for you to send me an invoice, if we’re involved or we’re setting a P, or we had a fantastic P, it’s absolutely okay. Be that as it may, if none of the above has happened or isn’t going to happen anytime soon, please look elsewhere for who to invoice.
Before you bite my head off, let me say this, I’m a nice guy and I’m quite confident about that, a lot of people take that for granted, I once read on Memoirs of a Slushhkid how Nobs put N1k into an envelope with newspaper neatly cut like money, nice move Nobs. For the love of God, don’t call that evil because you don’t know what the babe did, gaan read the memoirs to find out (free advert for 360nobs.com: D ) and there is another one he did for a babe at the airport, Classic!!!!! Way to go Nobs, you be my mentor jare.
Back to my story, I can send you airtime if i want to but then you give me an invoice that you’re broke in school, you have one emergency or the other. Let me say this, there are those people that its okay for them to send you invoice because they’ve got your mumu button or some other reason which is totally not connected to setting P, it maybe blackmail……blackmail works all the time
Moving on……
It isnt everyone you’ve set P with alone that will send you invoice, she might just be that your very nice friend, its okay for those kind of people, the one that annoys me the most are those ones that feel they can make you do whatever they want just because she’s pretty/busty/huge ass or because of some other trivia reason.
Let me give you this instance, I’m chatting with a babe for the first time on yahoo, after about 15 minutes, she told me her internet is about to expire and if I still want to continue to chat with her, I should pay for her internet fees. *bbm suprised smiley*
So, I pause for a few seconds,look left and right, wondering am I stewwwpidddd???????????? You’re invoicing me on our first chat, way to go Genius.
No P, no dirty picture involved and you’re sending me an invoice, I told her bluntly, it’s never gonna happen, to cut the long story short, that’s how that young friendship ended it didn’t even last as long as Kim Kardashian’s wedding.
Am sorry ladies, if this feels like bashing, never meant for it to be so, but if you wanna invoice someone, you might as well weigh the kind of relationship, if he’s your boyfriend, you can ‘tear; him invoice anyhow but if he isn’t, you just need to do what it takes. *winks*
You can share your own invoicing story, in the comment box, its okay to disagree with me, but please give me your own reason.
Keep Reppin’
‘Deolu Bubbles
Here is the link to the photo competition, click here
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