March 9, 2025

Inspector Odogwu: The Murdered Labourer [Premiere]

Home » Inspector Odogwu: The Murdered Labourer [Premiere]

Inspector Odogwu: The Murdered Labourer [Premiere]

Hi guys,

So, I have always wanted to write a detective series, here is my attempt at one. Feel free to bring out the knives for the story for sure not me.

Thank you.


Kamoru’s wife , Eno will kill him if he doesn’t bring back that fish like he promised, he was already on his way home when he remembered forgetting the fish while in traffic along Awolowo road, Ikoyi. He was with his supervisor, Ayoola, and best friend, Eze when he screamed

“HAAAA!!!! Yeepa! Mogbe!!!!”

Everyone was taken aback as Kamoru screamed. Everyone thought an accident had happened, or what else could it be that would elicit such screams as the night was drawing near. It was 7.20 but the day was already dark.
“Kamoru wetin happen” Eze asked him
“I bin forget Eno fish for site” He said.
“Na why you come shout like that?”  Kamoru said, “You dey craze?” He continued

“My wife go kill me if I no come back house with am o, una no go understand” He tried to explain, but he knew the consequences of not bringing that fish home.
He jumped out of the construction company branded truck and ran in the opposite direction of home.


Kamoru was looking furiously around for the dried fish all over the site, the seller gave them to him in a yellow and black nylon bag. He looked everywhere on the ground floor of the 12 story construction site, then began to retrace his steps. It was getting dark but the touch on the palasa phone will do just fine. He walked onto the ramp and remembered he was discussing with other laborers on the 8th floor earlier in the day.
He got to the eighth floor and pointed the torch in every direction he could, he knew time was against him, as he ran all over the place, then he heard footsteps behind him, he looked back and saw a familiar face, he continued his search beside a pillar close to the edge of the building that was open.

The familiar face then rushed towards him unsuspectingly, pushing him off the eighth floor, plunging to his death, he falls over a slab, his head smashed in. The familiar face walked away, looking around to make sure no ones sees him till he could escape, as he walked briskly away, his noisy phone began to ring.

Inspector Odogwu opened his eyes, his natural body alarm woke him up everyday somewhere between 6 and 6.45am. He looked to his side and saw the luscious behind of the girl that followed him home from the bar yesterday.
He relished the single life at 34 years, this wasn’t an Olosho or maybe she could be, but he sure as hell ain’t paying for this one because he did her a favour some time ago that shall not be spoken off, and every once in a while, she would call him or he would call her for routine “maintenance” of her tool or his.

He jumped out of bed, and grab the little stick of weed on the table, picked the lighter beside it. Squinting his eyes, he set the minute weed on fire and took a long drag on it before abandoning it on the ashtray. As he got out of bed, the lady woke up, and picked up the weed, and dragged as well.

“So, when next again, Inspector,” The lady asked

“I will call you” He responded, “Did your ass get bigger?” He asked with a smile

She giggled, nodding her head, “I bought this thing from Instagram, and it works amazingly well”

He laughed, then got down to his morning exercises, after sweating it out, she kept teasing him with the goods, and when he finished his exercises, he jumped into bed for another round of sex before they showered together.

She joined him in his 2003 Toyota Corolla, he lived somewhere in Pako, Akoka, he drove into Unilag to drop her at her hostel before rushing to Panti Police station.


As he arrived at the police station, before he could get to the locker, to bring out cereal for his breakfast, he noticed someone hovering behind him.

“Is there a problem?” He said to whoever was behind him.

“No Inspector,” The voice said.

“Just that the DSP said you should see her immediately you get into the station” He continued

“Which DSP?” He asked

“DSP Marvis Chukwu” He answered, “and who are you,” Inspector Odogwu asked

“Sergeant Major Lenny Toro, sir” He responded.

“So, I cannot eat first before seeing her?” He asked Lenny.

“As per her orders, sir,” Lenny said

“You can drop the sir abeg, I’m not here for that,” He said

They both headed towards the DSP’s office, they both saluted her as they got in, as she dropped the cup she was sipping coffee from.

“Good morning guys” She began

“I see you’ve met Sergeant Major Lenny Toro, you’ll be working this murder case with him.” She began

“Thank you ma, but I prefer to work alone. I’m not interested in an understudy” Odogwu responded

“What gave you the impression that this was an option?” She began,

“Was it my tone ?” She made a sarcastic pose as thinking to find out if she gave off anything that made Odogwu think this was a suggestion

“Can you both get out of my office?” She said handing him the case file and waving them goodbye. DSP Chukwu is a very fine policewoman who has spent over 15 years in the service with several accolades both local and international. She was handed this new unit, and Inspector Odogwu came highly recommended, she knew him in the station but mostly for the randy rumors of him sleeping around.

He cared for nothing more asides from work and women, but he has been passed over for promotion for over five years, but he doesn’t allow it bother him, she had been studying him for three months into her new unit, and she wants to see how quickly he can solve this case.

Lenny Toro, on the other hand, is not a novice per say, he worked in Abuja for majority of his career but he has been transferred back to Lagos, Happily married with two daughters, he is the son of a previous Inspector General of Police but he chose to walk his own way up the ladder.

Inspector Odogwu and Toro went to Odogwu’s desk to read up on the file they’ve just been assigned. There was the address of the company and the statement from the security guard at the site.

They both headed out to the site, passing through the alternative route to the Marwa area, in the traffic, as they Odogwu drove, he saw the street food makers, and parked, got down, and went to buy 3 egg rolls with a bottle of Fanta, came back into the car.

He offered  one eggroll to Lenny who refused it,

“Thank you but I have had breakfast, my wife made delicious pancakes”

“Happily married, I see” Odogwu said before bursting into laughter

“With 2 beautiful girls” Lenny said, “and…” Lenny wanted to continue

“Too much information” Odogwu said,

“I don’t need to know all that yet. We’re working just this one case together, no need to get this familiar” Odogwu continued.

Odogwu took a big bite out of the eggroll and continued driving, they arrived at the sight, and everyone seemed to be in a mourning mood.

“Good morning, please can you point us to the site supervisor,” Odogwu said

They were pointed in the direction of a fat Lebanese man, Odogwu began the introduction

“Good morning, my name is Inspector Segun Odogwu and this is my colleague” He allowed Lenny introduce himself, Lenny added “Sergeant Major Lenny Toro”

Odogwu continued, “We’re with the State Criminal Investigation Department”

“My name is Samir Hussein, and I’m the supervisor of this construction site but I haven’t been here in a while because I have five other sites all spread around the island. I’m here for the first time this week.

If you want to speak to anyone who can shed more light, you will have to speak with my deputy site inspector, Salako. He is the one in charge of the laborers and day-to-day running of this site.”

Samir explained, then called for Salako, they all went into Samir’s office to talk more about it.

Inspector Odogwu began,

“So, can you tell us what happened?”

“Late last night, Kamoru’s wife called me that her husband hasn’t come back yet”

“At what time was this ?” Lenny asked

“I think it was past 11 PM because my wife and kids were asleep, and I was dozing off myself” Salako answered

“Then what did you do at that point?” Odogwu asked

“I went over to her house to calm her down, he could have been at one of his girlfriend’s house,” Salako said

“How far was your house to his house?” Odogwu pushed further.

“It’s at most 5 minutes away if I walk” Salako replied with unease

“What happened when you got to his house?” Lenny asked

“I saw his wife outside, she was waiting for him, their compound was empty when I got there. I took her in to make sure she sleeps before heading back home.” Salako finished his explanation

“How many minutes would you say you spent there?” Lenny asked

“Maybe around 30 to 45 minutes,” Salako said

“Isn’t that a long time to be there, considering that you left your home around after 11, which means you’d have gotten home somewhere around 12 AM?” Odogwu said

“We’re close friends sir. I was the one that got him this job, he’s a good guy, and everyone loves him. I just wanted her to be sure that he will be back later that night or in the morning. He met his wife at one of my birthday parties so we are not strangers to each other at all. My wife made sure I hooked them up”

Salako said as sweat started forming on his forehead despite chilling temperature of the room, he continued biting his nails all through this questioning.

“Okay, so who are his close friends here,” Odogwu asked

“That would be Eze, they are always together.” He tried to get up to call Eze, but Odogwu stopped him and asked him

“When was the last time you saw him?”

“We were on the company’s pick-up truck heading home when he got down on Awolowo road, saying he forgot the dried fish he bought for his wife. That’s the last time I saw him” Salako said before leaving.

“Salako knows more than he is saying, he is hiding something,” Lenny said to Odogwu.

“Let’s go find Eze” Odogwu replied

Salako pointed them to where a morose Eze was sitting.

“Eze, can we speak to you. We’re from the State CID” We both flashed him their ID cards.

“We’re very sorry for your loss but we need to speak to you about your best friend,” Odogwu said

“This is very painful, why Kamoru go just kill hinself like this na” Eze said

“You think he killed himself ?” Odogwu asked

“Yes oga, wetin fit happen again ?” Eze replied

“You don’t think anyone can kill him ?” Lenny got into the conversation

“Nobody go kill am, everybody like that stupid boy,” Eze said

“The Blues na him everybody dey call am, nowhere wey dem no like am sha, for where we dey buy food, dem dey give am free food, for NairaBet shop, na him paper everybody dey follow. For site here sef, if Kamoru never come, site no go sweet. Bros, nobody fit kill am abeg. Na only God know wetin kill am” Eze explained with tears in his eyes.

“But if you say nobody fit kill am, wetin come make am kill himself?” Lenny asked

“Oga, I no no o” Eze replied

“You know whether e get money wahala abi him wife dey no allow am rest?” Odogwu asked

“Him wife ke… Eno na good woman, she no dey do pass hersef. Na God marry that wife give am but Kamoru get gbese. The money wey e take marry him wife 2 years ago, na borrow he borrow am from everywhere, the money for him wife ankara business na from different people.

Bros, make we no lie, him money wahala too much but na him wife dey cool hin mind” Eze said

“Where was the last time you saw Kamoru last night?” Lenny asked

“Na all of us dey inside the Hilux truck yesterday night when he hin forget him wife fish” Eze said

Odogwu and Lenny took a deep breath, Eze’s explanation is beginning to ink towards suicide and not murder.

“Bros, and that na the ones wey I fit remember for now” Eze said

“Okay, where is the Salako. Please, can you help us call him?” Odogwu said

Salako arrived and Odogwu tells him to call everyone together, they need to get everyone’s statement. Lenny rushes to the car to get papers to get their statements, after taking their statement, the duo got into their cars but not before informing them all that they’re all suspects and are not expected to leave town under any circumstances unless they get approval from State CID, Panti.

Next destination is Kamoru’s house. They arrive at the Bajulaiye area of Bariga, they park far away and go on foot towards the compound, it is a large compound with a duplex in the middle of it with bungalows on both sides. The compound was filled with people who came to mourn with Eno on the death of her husband.

Eno sat, dressed in black outfit amongst a crowd of sad women who were consoling her. Odogwu called aside an elderly woman, introduced themselves to her and told her they needed to speak with the wife for a brief moment.

They took Eno with the elderly lady into Kamoru’s room.

“We are very sorry for your loss, and we don’t want to take any of your time.” Odogwu began

“Do you know of anyone who may want your husband dead?” Odogwu continued

“I don’t know sir. He was good to everyone, even kind to them. At the beer parlour, everyone buys him beer. I don’t know anyone who would want him dead.” Eno wept, but spoke very well.

“When did you start getting worried last night ?” Lenny aske

“Kamoru stays out late till about 12 but he comes home first at about 8.30 before going to a joint” Eno explained

“Who did you call when you became bothered ?” Odogwu asked

“I called Eze first, but his number wasn’t going through, so I called Salako around 11 that night.”

“What did Salako say?” Lenny asked

“That he went back to the office when he forgot something” Eno said

“Then he came over to put your mind at ease?” Odogwu asked

“Yes sir” Eno said

“For how long?” Odogwu asked

“For like almost one hour” Eno answered

“That late? How about his own family?”

“He wanted to be sure I was fine” Eno said, at this she stopped making eye contacts, and her breathing became faster. Clearly, there is something she is hiding.

Odogwu changed the topic.

“Are you aware of any money troubles your husband may have” Odogwu

“Any other one? Look at where we’re living, we’re feeding from hand to mouth, but nothing out of the ordinary. God has been faithful” She said.

Odogwu thought to himself, maybe she doesn’t know about the money troubles, the one he’s owing several people. Lenny and Odogwu looked at themselves.

“Thank you for taking time with us today. We’re sorry about your loss. We will be back again” Odogwu said, and they left them.

“Salako and Eno are fucking” Odogwu told Lenny.

“How so?” Lenny asked

“She was fine with all of the questions but as soon as we began along the line of Salako, she began to blink more than regular, she felt uneasy, her nose were flaring. She is definitely hiding something” Odogwu added

“And that’s not all, I don’t think Salako is the only friend of her husband that she is fucking”

Odogwu continued

“Look at the time, it’s almost 8PM. I will see you in the office tomorrow. We will begin to examine all of the statements from the site.” Odogwu said

“See you tomorrow, Inspector” Lenny said

Inspector Odogwu went home thinking about the case, he then thought about it again. How come the case wasn’t ruled suicide, that’s one thing, secondly, why was he assigned this case, this is the first time he’s working a case with DSP Chukwu, and working with Lenny Toro.

What does it all mean? Is he under investigation? Is the dark secret coming back to haunt him? Or maybe it’s just a case like any other. He got home, opened the door, and went directly for the fridge like he put stuff there, there was nothing there asides alcohol and water.

He grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels, and dragged a glass from the table, poured a good amount into the glass and gulped it down. He went into the bedroom, looked for his weed but the girl had finished it all, he didn’t take long before he slept off.

When he got to station, Lenny have given it an early head-start, reading and cross-referencing statements they had taken from the workers at the site.

“Good morning Inspector” Lenny said

“Have you found anything?” Odogwu asked skipping Lenny’s greeting

“Not yet. Seems like most of them were on the pick-up truck, nothing out of place” Lenny said

“There is something about that truck we’re missing, also how many guards were there that night?” Inspector Odogwu said,

“There were two guards that night, but at the time that Kamoru got back there, there was no one. So, if indeed someone killed him other than him killing himself, that person must have snuck away.”

Odogwu picked up the statements again from Lenny, and began to read them all over again, maybe a new set of eyes can give them a different perspective. After a couple of hours of reading them, they took a break from it.

After the lunch break, DSP Chukwu called for Odogwu to give her feedback on how the investigation was going. He went into her office to explain everything they had. He came out, and went outside for a quick smoke when he heard Lenny screaming his name from down the hall.

“Inspector Odogwu! Inspector Odogwu” Lenny screamed

“What is it, Lenny?” He answered as he met him halfway and they worked back into the officer’s pool.

“Inspector you need to see this.” Lenny said, holding up one statement, that seemed different from others.

“What does it say?” Odogwu asked.

“It wasn’t only Kamoru that got down before they climbed third mainland bridge.” Lenny said.

“Did the person write down the name of the person who also came down?” Odogwu asked

“Not person, actually people” Lenny said

“This is getting interesting”, Odogwu said, “Give me the names”

“Sir, Eze and Salako were the other two people who got down from the pick-up truck before it climbed over third mainland bridge”

It isn’t circumstantial evidence to prove it was a murder but it is something.

“Can you go with uniformed officers, to bring the person who wrote that statement along with Eze, Salako and the security guards on duty.” Odogwu said

Odogwu sat back at the office to write down the possible ways things can play out. From what he deduced, the killer will either be Eze or Salako.

Who could possibly be the second person that Eno is sleeping with, could it be Eze? Why would anyone want to kill Kamoru.

They arrived at the station at about 7.30pm, all five of them.

The person whose statement is giving a new lease of life to the investigation is Yinka, he is the first to be questioned.

Lenny and Odogwu take Yinka to the interrogation room.

“Mr. Yinka, in your statement, you said after Kamoru got down, two other people got down as well. Can you tell us more about this.” Odogwu began

“Yes, Eze and Salako got down. Salako got down at the Total side towards the end of Awolowo road, that road that leads to Obalende while Eze got down at just the foot of the bridge but Salako dey comot from that place sometimes, this isn’t his first time.” Odogwu was impressed with the recollection of Yinka who is doing his I.T with the construction company and assigned to the site.

“So, Salako getting down here isn’t new?” Lenny asked

“Yes sir. Eze doesn’t. It’s either Eze follows us through or not at all” Yinka said further.

“Thank you, Yinka” Odogwu said to him,

“Please wait for us outside” Lenny said.

“Before I leave, sir. Kamoru didn’t kill himself, he couldn’t have. Someone who forgot his fish cannot go back to kill himself, he wasn’t depressed. He was happy go lucky guy”

“Time for us to get hard on all of them.” Odogwu began “Let’s get the security guards in here right now” He continued

“So, let’s see, which one of you guys will go to prison first.” Odogwu began

“You were both hired to guard that premises, because it was a big place, they hired both of you, and somehow you guys messed it up.

Which one of you saw Kamoru come back that night?” Odogwu asked

They both raised up their hands

“So, the both of you saw him enter but not his killer” Odogwu continued

“We no see anybody sir” One of the guards said

“Wait for us, outside” Lenny said, “We will continue this later, in the meantime, think about it that night else the both might be spedning the night in our world class luxurious Panti suites” Odogwu bluffed.

“Let’s bring in Salako” Odogwu said to Lenny.

Salako sat opposite Lenny and Odogwu

“So, Eno is one sexy lady, ” Odogwu started

Salako looked puzzled, he continued

“I mean those damn curves, it can make a brother sin. I know she was in mourning but when I looked to see her behind, I nearly screamed. That’s incredibly sexy. She is very sexy woman, wouldn’t you agree?” Odogwu continued

“I guess” Salako stammered

“Why are you acting like you don’t know she is sexy” Odogwu asked. Lenny was watching keenly at the conversation between Odogwu and Salako.

“I know she is sexy but what has that got to do with anything?” Salako asked

“It has got everything to do with it” Odogwu answered.


“How long have you been sleeping with Eno” Odogwu asked Salako looking him dead in the eyes, awaiting pointers in his face to reveal the truth of the situation

“What? Sleeping with who?” Salako began stammering, his breathing became faster and more laboured, sweat began to appear all over his face.

“Let’s not kid ourselves, we know you are having sex with each other. That’s not the crime you’re here for, it’s his death. And you know Nigeria, the punishment for murder is death. It’s simple” Odogwu stated

The sweat began streaming down his face more, he swallowed his saliva.

“I have known here for more than seven years, and we’ve always been sleeping together ever since.” Salako admitted.

“Now we’re talking” Lenny said, as smile came to his face, we’ve found the killer.

“Eno has been my side-chic for a very long time. During my birthday some years ago, Eno snuck into my birthday, and I introduced to my wife as a friend’s sister. Kamoru came to meet me, and asked about her.

I didn’t want to give her up but Kamoru will always ask about her in the presence of my wife. So, I gave him her number. Weirdly enough, I didn’t think she would like him, I thought she would insult him and blow him off. Kamoru isn’t educated and sophisticated at all” Salako explained

“So, you wanted your side-chic back for yourself, so you murdered her husband?” Odogwu said

“I didn’t kill Kamoru, I was the one that borrowed him money for his wedding to Enoh, killing him doesn’t pay me at all.” Salako said

“So, why did you get down from the pick-up truck on the way? To go back to the site to kill Eno’s husband that isn’t you? Isn’t it?” Odogwu continued accusing Salako

“I came down because I need to pass through Carter Bridge, it is today that Eno and I meet at a short time place in Ebute metta. I can look for a bike to take me there from Carter bridge. That’s why” Salako explained

Odogwu and Lenny looked at themselves

“So, what happened at your love nest?” Odogwu asked

“When I got there, it wasn’t our usual meeting. Eno didn’t want to do this anymore, she said she’s pregnant but she doesn’t know who it is for. She is not down for cheating on her husband anymore” Salako said

“So, how come you were in her house for almost an hour later that day.” Lenny asked

“I was there begging for her to come back, let’s go back to how things were” Salako said.

“Please wait for us outside” Odogwu said to Salako

“So, it looks like Salako isn’t our killer” Lenny said to Odogwu.

 “Let’s get Eze in here” Odogwu said to Lenny

Eze took his seat in front of Odogwu and Lenny.

“So, do you think Kamoru, your blues’ friend married someone he shouldn’t have married, and that was what led to his suicide?” Odogwu began

“Sir, e be like so. You don see Eno na, that girl eye  don tear. My poor Kamoru use everything wey e get take satisfy am, but men no allow Eno rest, he borrow borrow sotey, he dey play Baba Ijebu, Nairabet, Bet9ja, anything make he hammer, make him fit pay him gbese” Eze said

“You seem to know everything about your friend’s life and marriage. Eno get manfriend?” Odogwu asked

“Make I no lie o, Eno go get manfriend.” Eze said

Odogwu and Lenny looked at eachother.

“Why did you get out of the pick-up truck on your way home that night ?” Lenny asked

“I wan buy something from Obalende.” He replied

“Sounds suspicious o, Eze” Lenny said

“So na me kill my own best friend?” Eze asked Odogwu.

“You dey eye hin wife na, and your Obalende story get K-leg, wetin you go buy, which time you come reach house, when you know say him don die?” Odogwu replied

Odogwu paused as Eze wasn’t talking anymore rather playing with his fingers under the table.

“You killed your friend because you want to be the only one fucking his wife” Odogwu made the bold claim.

“Say wetin?” Eze said

“Na she be the only toto wey dey Bariga?” Eze asked

“Na wetin we suppose ask you be that, when your friend comot go back work, you follow am, when he dey look for hin fish, instead make you help am, you no help am, you just push am comot from that place because say you no wan make him dey fuck your ex-girlfriend” Odogwu said boldly.

“Eze, you be strongman, na wetin you do, no lie about am. Just collect the glory.” Odogwu continued, massaging his ego into confessing.

Eze stayed there boiling, fuming at the mouth but he didn’t alter anything.

“Na only one thing correct inside everything wey you talk” Eze said, with his eyes red

“Na my girlfriend, we still dey together. I know say Salako sef dey fuck am. I tell Kamoru make e no marry am. E no hear my own, you see wetin come happen now?”

Eze’s palasa phone began ringing at an incredibly loud volume, that irritated almost everyone before he shut it off.

“Where you buy this phone from?” Odogwu asked

“Na dash Kamoru dash me o” Eze said

There was a knock on the door of the interrogation room, Odogwu went out to meet the uniformed officer,

“One of the security guards at the site want to talk to you” He said

Odogwu drew him asides, and the man whispered into Odogwu’s ear. His eyes light up, and then he rushed back into the interrogation room.

“Eze, I will explain something now, and I will end it with why. I want you to answer to that why” Odogwu said

“Last night, when Kamoru got down from truck and ran back to the site. You followed him and instead of helping him find his fish like a real friend, you pushed him to his death. You may deny this but we have someone who can recollect you being there during that timeframe.

And you’d have gotten away with this crime if not for your noisy phone because as you were about to leave, your loud phone began to ring, and you hurriedly switched it off but we have a witness that is confident it was your phone, the same ringtone, with your posture fleeing the scene. My question is why kill your friend because of a woman” Odogwu finished his monologue

“WHY!!!!” He screamed at Eze


“You killed your best friend because you impregnated his wife?” Lenny asked

“Eno na my own, Na Salako bin start all this wahala, why him give am to Kamoru, she be my girlfriend, na me wan marry am but money never reach. Na because of am I dey do Ajo, play Nairabet. Enoh na me she suppose marry but Kamoru go do sharp sharp marry am.” Eze explained with venom in his voice.

“She no go give my belle to that boy. Na my pikin be that”.

Eze, you’re under arrest for the murder of Kamoru.

Uniformed police officers came in, and took Eze away.

“Salako, you’re free to go, you’re lucky infidelity isn’t illegal.” Odogwu said

“Lenny, please release the security guys and Yinka.”

Odogwu looked at the time, and it was past 11PM, DSP Chukwu came into pool, looking almost deserted.

“I hear you’ve found the killer” DSP said to Odogwu

“It turns out, the dead victim married someone a lot of men were interested in continually sleeping with, and she was also coming around to being with him alone but it got complicated when she got pregnant for one of her boyfriends. The boyfriend, Eze saw his chance one night when the site was deserted, then pushed him over on the eighth floor to his death. So, its the classic PM Newspaper headline, MAN KILLS HUSBAND OVER WIFE” Odogwu explained

“Why are you particular about this case, ma’am” Odogwu asked

“He is a neighbour’s family friend, and I knew him, he was a good boy. Thank you Inspector Odogwu”

“Good night” She said, as she turned around leaving the station.

Odogwu brought out his phone, and texted his lady friend from three nights ago

“I think I may need another tool maintenance tonight”

In two minutes, he got his reply,

“Send an Uber or pick me up, whichever suits you. I hope you’ve got Arizona, I’ll bring the Trama. See you!”

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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