I’ve been all shades of sexually frustrated and busy with work but something happened! And I am so excited and can’t keep it to myself
( I’m literally giggling and screaming)
Y’all something happened to your girl! Something extraordinary!!!!
So you already know Nae. (My best friend). Nae’s uncle had a party over the weekend and because I had been so sad and busy with work, she thought
I could do with a time out. There is this cousin of Nae’s that I have been crushing on.
The boy is tall, fine, dark, and fit (MR TDH, Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome) but every time I see him I just become dumb and can’t utter a word.
So I had to ask Nae if he was going to be at the party and she said yes (I was literally shaking to my boots).
Had to change my outfit seven times before settling on a biker short, a white tube top, and a denim jacket, so basically, I was looking like a baddie. We got to the party really early and boy! Nae’s uncle is fine asf
(What is it with this family all fine and shit?)
The party finally started and still no sign of Mr. TDH. I was going to summon some imaginary courage today and talk to him or something.
So the party started in full swing and because I know nobody there, I had to stick with Nae but she had to go say hi to her brothers so I was standing all on my own but then I saw TDH walk in; all fine and fuckable wearing grey Nike sweats, (You know what that does) white round tees and some slides and I was gone in the head.
Nae finally came back and having seen Nae, TDH walked over to say hi to Nae and she introduced me as her friend.
I couldn’t even find my voice.
When he finally looked at me to say hi- in his sexy voice, I knew I had fuck this man ( so help me God)
After talking a bit with Nae, he turned to stare at me and say bye (heatttttt) and walked away.
I was getting bored with the party now that the highlight was gone, I needed to pee a little bit later but Nae was too busy to go with me so she just pointed me to the basement.
I got to the basement to find out it wasn’t an ordinary basement, it was TDH’s room and he was in it with his friend.
They ignored me as I just went straight to the bathroom.
When I came out, his friend was gone already and this sexy man was just seated lazily on his bed. I texted Nae to ask where she was and this girl had gone with some random guy to get pizza.
Now I had to plan my escape, as I was walking past, I heard “Babe” so I was like me? Acting weird because obviously, no one else was there.
I was still at the bathroom door when he said
“Come here and close the door” and at that moment I forgot he was by best friend’s cousin as my pants were soaked like a sponge and that’s when it all went crazy!!!
I walked halfway up to him and he said
“I see you staring at me”
‘you like what you see?” He asked in the most pompous way ever
(HELL YES!!!, I said in my mind) but I was mute and the spit had gone dry in my mouth because he walks up to me, chokes me, and starts to tongue kiss me and leaving hickeys on my neck
I was about to tell him Nae could come back any moment when he started to rub the cat and I forgot everything.
I was super wet and dripping and then he laid me down on the bed, pulled down my shorts (AND OF COURSE, YOU KNOW YA GIRL NEVER WEARS PANTIES) and he spread my legs and slid his tongue back and forth on the cat (SWEET JESUS GOD! HE HAD THE LONGEST TONGUE IN THE WHOLE WORLD)
*and boy! Did he know how to use it *
He was moving his tongue so fast, I was moaning so loud not caring if anyone heard us, no wonder the bastard is so proud af. My legs were shaking real hard andI was breathing so hard I was going to pass out from multiple orgasms.
When I was about to cum, he started going slow and I’ve never felt that way before. After I came down from my high breathing hard, I got a text from Nae saying she was back and looking for me.
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