Evolve, a gun safety organization in the U.S., has just released a brilliant ad campaign that uses humor to drive home the unfunny truth about gun safety. It juxtaposes images of children playing with various adult “unmentionables” with a message that, when it comes to gun safety, is deathly serious – if they find it, they’ll play with it.
For a gun safety organization, Evolve has a refreshingly engaging voice when it comes to talking about gun safety. This ad campaign, created by the McCann creative agency, is memorable and shareable because of its humor, but it also says what needs to be said – if your guns aren’t locked up, they are not 100% safe from your kids. This is how tragedies can (and do) happen.
They also stress their non-partisan take on what is otherwise a very charged and controversial debate in the U.S. by calling themselves “the third voice in the gun debate. Because safety is not a side.“
More info: takeonthecode.com | Facebook | Twitter | mccannny.com (h/t: adsoftheworld)
Source: BoredPanda.com
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