March 6, 2025

Home » @franque_521


What’s your full name?

Frank ‘Franque’ Mba
Social Network Preference:

Twitter; it keeps me entertained and I don’t even have to get involved

Your interests:

Reading, meeting people and I have a partiality to women

Your Addiction:

Play soccer on a video gaming console

[‘Deolu: Now, thats what we’re talking about!! Do you play PES? Shet! i couldn’t ask that]

What exactly are you into?

I fly, I write (sometimes)

[‘Deolu: Did you finish from Hogwarts by any chance?]

Your ideal partner_ (we encourage full description :))?

The specs have changed per partner I have met. Right now, she’s got to be Jazzified or no. Just don’t ask me about tomorrow’s woman though

[‘Deolu: *coughs*]

Bucketlist items?

Sky diving

[‘Deolu: just that? *curious look* I thought bungee-jumping was somewhere in your list]

Any meal you’re thinking of right now?

Amala with Abula and Ogufe

Role Models?

Yes I did. Half of them were movie or sitcom characters, the other half are dead

[‘Deolu: Is Dr. Who part of them? or that tall dude from RentaGhost]

Your childhood?

In retrospect, it was a barrel of laughs

What’s your deepest fear?

Growing old, really old

[‘Deolu: I feel you sha, especially that part where people have to help you cross the road, pee and all]

Never being good enough.
Super Powers?

I am certain there are, problem is I do not know them just yet. I just remembered one: Humility.

[‘Deolu: So, you can actually kill with your humility, you need to have a talk to Balotelli]

Top 5 movies of all time?


Never ending story,

The Godfather,


O brother where art thou?

[‘Deolu: Everyone keeps mentioning Inception, Hmmmm]

What would you say is the biggest risk you have ever taken?

Taking on flying as a career

[‘Deolu: we can safely assume that the flying isnt witchcraft right?]

Has Nigeria affected you in any way?

Negatively, it has kept me from pursuing my initial dreams but even that is a positive because it has taught me nothing in life is set in stone so I am always changing, always adapting, always dreaming and believing.
What is your most memorable experience?


An experience you wanna forget?

I fear I may have repressed it. Can’t quite seem to remember it now.

If you are not into what you are doing now, what would you be doing?

I would be a kept man.

[‘Deolu: Frank! We need clarification on this *flipping through interview document curiously*]

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Still in Nigeria, doing what I enjoy doing with hopefully a healthier bank balance from doing it
Name 3 influences?

A priest, Rev. Fr. McGrath;

my son M.O.N.C; can’t quite think of that 3rd person


What’s the highest point of your life in recent time?


[‘Deolu: the joy of having a mini-you and the consolation that you aint impotent]

Who are your partners in crime?

I tend to run alone

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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