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For The Ladies: 3 things you should NEVER do after sex


After sex, everyone comes down back to this planet, then for ladies, there are quite a couple of things to do after. Here are things you shouldn't do!

After sex, people tend to move on from sex to do other things, but sadly some of the things ladies do shouldn’t be done after sex.

For ladies, it’s important that the care for the vagina after sex so it doesn’t lead to irritation. “When the vaginal tissues have been lubricated, swollen, and rubbed against during intercourse, it changes how that tissue reacts to the environment,” says Kansas-based gynecologist Leslie E. F. Page, M.D. “Primarily, you run a much greater risk of infection.

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Here is a breakdown of stuff you need to know to avoid after sex as written by Molly Triffin, Women’s Health Magazine


1. Don’t forget to pee


During sex, bacteria can get into the bladder. “This can result in post-intercourse bladder infections,” says Robert Wool, M.D., ob-gyn, “You can have some snuggle time, just empty your bladder within an hour of sex.”

After peeing, make sure to wipe from back to front to avoid fecal matter from anus into the V-zone. “Due to swelling and micro-abrasions that can occur during intercourse, your vulvar and vaginal skin is particularly tender and prone to infection,” says Page.

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2. Don’t wash your lady parts


I know it seems like a bright idea to wash down there after sex, but its not necessary because you might have allergic reaction to the soap. “Using soap can lead to vaginal irritation and dryness,” Wool says.

3. Watch the lingerie you sleep in


Sleeping in a sexy lingerie is a welcome idea, the dilemma here is the material of the lingerie, if you’ve got cotton lingerie then that’s fine but if its nylon, polyester or rayon skivvies, avoid those ones. “After sex, your skin tends to be warm and damp, thanks to perspiration, vaginal secretions, and semen,” Page says.

“Synthetic underwear traps the moisture and you run the risk of a yeast infection,” Wool says. “The vagina likes to air out.”

ALSO READ: 16 things women think of when having sex

Guess who else wants you to sleep naked, because of later fooling around, or early morning shenanigans.

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