“What am I forgetting, what am I forgetting” I repeated as I paced between my room and my bathroom
“Lily, are you sure about this?” Blessing asked sitting leg crossed on my bed beside my opened traveling bag
“Yes, I’m sure” I yelled out as I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste
“Lils, I know the dick was great but is it really worth getting on a plane for? You’re in the middle of planning an exhibition” She said eyebrows raised
“Cool it with the mommy talk” I started
“it’s not like I am abandoning my work to run away with man” I continued rolling my eyes
“I’m taking a break to take a gorgeous man who happens to have a great dick for a fun weekend away,” I said zipping my traveling bag. That was the truth though, Valentino came all the way for a function and for whatever reason; okay a series of bombass orgasms. I wanted to give it to him. So we decided to go to Lagos for the weekend to have a vacation that didn’t just include lame parties because it turned out that Jayden was Val’s cousin and I just had to rescue him. Pulling my bag off the bed I narrowed my eyes at Blessing
“If I didn’t know better I’ll say you’re just stuck up you’re not coming along,” I said pouting
“You know you and Jay are welcome to join” I added sweetly
She rolled her eyes and walked ahead of me towards the door
“Jay’s” she started
“is bummed I’m taking his porn star cousin away and giving him an actual good time but instead of joining in the fun is suddenly busy like a real matured man,” I said
“Cut him some slack already Lils” she said walking faster
“Yeah, whatever but you can come with,” I said as we reached outside my door
I dragged the small bag out and locked my house before walking excitedly towards Blessing’s car. We put my small traveling bag in her boot before driving out towards the airport. It’s been a while since I was so excited about something like this, I was so excited it was making me horny; its a good thing blessing was driving because I would definitely be driving maniacally. My phone beeped with a message and another as I fished it out of my purse. The messages were from Val letting me know he was at the airport and already got our tickets. I smiled and turned to Blessing.
“They already got there,” I said to her before returning to text him back.
“Yeah Jayden and being super punctual,” She said sounding like she was smiling
With the minimal traffic, we were barely 15 minutes away, my excitement just skyrockets turning me on, even more, I could feel my panties getting wet.
The closer we got to the airport the hornier I got, if I could teleport I would be dragging Val to the nearest airport bathroom to fuck his brains out. The car slowed down and my eyes crack open so I could find out why so I can complain then I realized we were approaching the checkpoint before the airport. She stopped as a solider walked past my side window looking through us and the car. Blessing quickly stepped out to go open the boot of the car for inspection. I looked around the empty car and then outside the windows were other soldiers were stopping and inspecting other cars or just standing and looking around, I could already see the airport which meant I would be with Val soon.
I looked down at the long stripy straight gown grateful for its ridiculously high side skits. I bent down and reached under my gown and pulled down my panties, rolling it into a ball and stuffing it in my bag just as Blessing opened the door. She started to drive away then giggled
“The officer was flirting hard with me,” She said amid giggles
“No wonder you were taking so long I was wondering whether he was opening the bag,” I said smiling
“Nope, just wanted my number,” she said drumming on the steering wheel
“I wanted to give my card sha” she said giggling
“Hoeniranu first of her name,” I said laughing
“oh shush! That’s would be you” she replied laughing.
Soon we were at the airport where Blessing parked nicely and got down to grab my bag, we walked in where people with carts came for the luggage and she gave it to them. We walked all the way to the lounge and met up with the guys. They were seated with Val showing Jay something on his phone that was cracking him up. We walked to them and the moment Jay saw us he waved standing up to hug Blessing, I quickly went to sit down beside Val and he put his hand around me pulling me close.
“I’m glad you made it,” He said then placed a kiss on the side of my forehead
“So… we are going to leave you two to get ready for boarding which should be any moment now,” Jay said with his hands intertwined with blessings
I hate it when he speaks for both of them, I stood up and went over to hug her
“Stay safe baby boo” she cooed as we parted
After we were all done saying our goodbyes Val and I sat back down and snuggled close to each other. I was about to tell him how excited I was when an announcement played through that our flight and another flight were delayed for an hour.
“The fuck, why would they do that,” he asked
I shrugged
“Does this happen often?” he asked again
I wanted to get defensive but nodded no instead
“So what are we supposed to do waiting for an hour,” he said
“hmm” I hummed as I dug into my purse
“Well! I do have some ideas” I said before dropping my panties on him.
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