March 10, 2025

Home » Fashion Faux

Fashion Faux

Hello lines! Bye-bye sexy!
What’s your biggest fashion blunder of all times? What makes you cringe? For me that’s  gotta be the lines of underwear that ruin a perfectly put together look and what would have been a nicely shaped arse.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against wearing full knickers, as they have their place and time, but what I’m against is how it divides a nice tush into four unequal halves and leaves a distasteful image in the head of the viewer.
Even as a female, I want to see a nice well rounded arse without the interruptions of lines! This for me is the biggest fashion blunder till eternity and I can’t hide my feelings.
There are therefore a few important points to note when buying full underwear for females who are uncomfortable wearing thongs and strings:
1. Boyish Knickers: These are amazing to wear and well, reduce the four unequal halves divide that comes with normal full panties. They are square shaped, therefore reducing the V-shape line effect that comes with the standard panties. They fit and sit better on the behind and leave you with less to worry about.
2. Seamless Underwear: These are magic knickers as I like to call them. They are sewn in such a way that the edges of the panties are almost invisible when worn underneath a tight form fitting dress. They leave no traces of underwear lines and are comfortable. La Senza and  stores are your go to shop to purchase some.
3. Brazilian Shorts: They have lace trimmings at the edges and with the proper size, they reduce the lines to at least 95% of the initial damage otherwise created. Plus these don’t leave any mark behind on your skin if and when you need to wear extremely tight clothes and don’t cut off your circulation as well.
4. Lace French Knickers: Sexy, comfortable, easy to breathe in and eliminate the dreaded lines!
Invest in some underwear today that helps you feel sexy, reduces your consciousness of the lines and is most importantly sexy. A woman is half way to being sexy if her underwear makes her feel sexy.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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