According to science, consistently watching porn can lead to erectile dysfunction, sorry to be bearer of the bad news.
We all know that this is probably true. This is one news I hoped that I wouldn’t write but the truth is watching porn can adversely affect your sexual health especially for the guy.
And you don’t have to take my word for it. Dr. Andrew Smiler, a masculinity expert believes that men get erectile dysfunction after constantly beating one too many to porn. Your right hand or left hand whichever you prefer totally gets you and this might feel like the best and sometimes even feel better than sex, especially because you’re doing it to a porn, and those are might unrealistic, especially with how unrealistic they can be compared to the actual sex that you’re having.
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“The guys I see, most of them are between 13 and 25. The vast majority are, for the most part, the picture of physical health,” he told The Independent, he insinuated that watching porn can lead to limp dick and depressed men according to Zeynep Yenisey, Maxim.
Dr. Angela Gregory, a psychosexual therapist had this to say “Men are becoming both physically and psychologically desensitized to normal sexual stimulation and arousal with a sexual partner.”
A lot of times, the false image of pornography can mislead a lot of guys. For example, you can be with the girl of your dreams, someone you’ve always wanted to be with and be unimpressed that she isn’t moaning like Mia Khalifa, so your dick game is low. One big disclaimer here, everyone doesn’t moan like a porn star and you can still have a great time.
Plus, the fact that porn stars usually look much different than everyone else apparently puts many men off too, because it “alters perceptions and expectations of who is attractive,” says Dr. Smiler. Because of this, some men who watch a lot of porn get used to seeing fake boobs and bleached buttholes, too much of this might lead to my-girlfriend/wife-isn’t-this-sexy syndrome.
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To be honest, this doesn’t affect everyone, some people are well aware of the situation and therefore the scenes aren’t taken to heart, they’re still not desensitized, and still horny as usual.
“It’s like an itch they can’t scratch and is always on their minds,” Dr. Gregory says. But this isn’t as bad as being desensitized to normal sex. In fact, it’s not really bad at all.
For some good news, Dr. Gregory says it’s very easy to get back to normal after falling into a porn-induced funk. All you need to do is stop jerking off, and you’ll be good as new!
“If you can stop [masturbating], you can reboot your system to normal arousal,” she says, suggesting refraining from porn and masturbation for 90 days.
Haha, no thanks.
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So, that is it, if you feel your jerking off is under check and doesn’t affect your sexual health but if its affecting you, it might just be the time to stop and reset your sexual clock
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